European Journal of Psychology of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Comparing problem-based learning students to students in a lecture-based curriculum: learning strategies and the relation with self-study time2016/03/16English19
Effects of text-belief consistency and reading task on the strategic validation of multiple texts2015/10/06English19
Instructional and motivational classroom discourse and their relationship with teacher autonomy and competence support—findings from teacher professional development2016/11/30English19
Emergent literacy and reading acquisition: a longitudinal study from kindergarten to primary school2016/07/18English19
Does self-efficacy contribute to the development of students’ motivation across the transition from secondary to higher education?2018/05/23English19
Learning a mathematical concept from comparing examples: the importance of variation and prior knowledge2011/04/06English19
Parenting styles and academic achievement of early adolescent girls in Iran: mediating roles of parent involvement and self-regulated learning2019/06/11English19
Cognitively demanding learning materials with texts and instructional pictures: teachers’ diagnostic skills, pedagogical beliefs and motivation2011/11/17English19
“Probably true” says the expert: how two types of lexical hedges influence students’ evaluation of scientificness2015/01/16English19
Linking academic performance to optimistic attributional style: attributions following positive events matter most2019/03/08English19
Effects of a formative assessment script on how vocational students generate formative feedback to a peer’s or their own performance2017/08/28English18
Mastery goal orientations and subjective well-being in school among elementary school students: The mediating role of school engagement2019/07/20English18
Academic self-concept and achievement in Polish primary schools: cross-lagged modelling and gender-specific effects2016/04/12English18
Instructional scaffolds for learning from formative peer assessment: effects of core task, peer feedback, and dialogue2017/10/23English18
The successful test taker: exploring test-taking behavior profiles through cluster analysis2017/04/07English18
Cognitive engagement in self-regulated learning: an integrative model2021/06/08English18
Effects of written peer-feedback content and sender’s competence on perceptions, performance, and mindful cognitive processing2017/08/13English18
Staying on track: behavioral engagement of at-risk and non-at-risk students in post-secondary vocational education2012/06/06English18
How gender fair are German schoolbooks in the twenty-first century? An analysis of language and illustrations in schoolbooks for mathematics and German2013/09/12English17
The links between students’ relationships with teachers, likeability among peers, and bullying victimization: the intervening role of teacher responsiveness2021/03/24English17
Homework assignments to enhance student engagement in secondary education2012/06/20English17
The significance of dealing with mistakes for student achievement and motivation: results of doubly latent multilevel analyses2018/12/04English17
Reciprocal peer assessment as a learning tool for secondary school students in modeling-based learning2017/09/19English17
Taiwanese students’ science learning self-efficacy and teacher and student science hardiness: a multilevel model approach2016/01/20English17
Perceived employability and ability self among Finnish university students2019/11/22English17
Stimulating positive emotional experiences in mathematics learning: influence of situational and personal factors2014/05/26English17
Using multidimensional Rasch analysis to validate the Chinese version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ-CV)2010/01/21English17
Authority in the classroom: adolescent autonomy, autonomy support, and teachers’ legitimacy2012/08/31English17
Fostering active processing of instructional explanations of learners with high and low prior knowledge2010/11/19English17
Change at work and professional learning: how readiness to change, self-determination and personal initiative affect individual learning through reflection2012/03/06English17