Frontiers of Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
$${\bar \partial }$$ on Complex Manifolds with Strong Donnelly–Fefferman Property2024/04/05English
Fourier Restriction Implies Maximal and Variational Fourier Restriction in Lorentz Space2024/04/05English
Matrix Weighted Kolmogorov–Riesz’s Compactness Theorem2023/09/01English
Combined Effects of Concave and Convex Nonlinearities for Kirchhoff Type Equations with Steep Potential Well and 1 < p < 2 < q < 42023/09/01English
Response Solutions for KdV Equations with Liouvillean Frequency2023/09/01English
Multiple Solutions for a Kirchhoff-type Problem with Vanishing Nonlocal Term and Fractional p-Laplacian2023/09/01English
A New Two-grid Algorithm Based on Newton Iteration for the Stationary Navier–Stokes Equations with Damping2023/09/01English
Hochschild (Co)homologies of DG K-algebras and Their Koszul Duals2023/09/01English
A System of Sylvester-like Quaternion Tensor Equations with an Application2024/03/20English
Left and Right Weighted (b, c)-inverse in Rings and Its Applications2024/03/20English
Minimal Heegaard Genera of 3-manifolds with Lower Distance2024/03/20English
The Hp–Hq Estimates for a Class of Dispersive Equations and Related Applications2024/03/20English
Remarks on the Berestycki–Lions Conditions for the Existence of Solutions2024/03/20English
The $$\mathfrak a$$-filter Grade of an Ideal $$\mathfrak b$$ and $$(\mathfrak a,\mathfrak b)$$-f-modules2023/03/01English
Stochastic Integral Evolution Equations with Locally Monotone and Non-Lipschitz Coefficients2023/03/01English
On the Local Maxima Behaviour of Hecke Eigenvalues and Its Applications2023/03/01English
Wave Operator on Compact Manifolds2023/03/01English
On the Lower Boundedness of Modified K-energy2023/03/01English
Crystal of Affine $${\widehat {\mathfrak{s}\mathfrak{l}}_\ell}$$ and Modular Branching Rules for Hecke Algebras of Type Dn2023/03/01English
Nonabelian omni-Lie algebroids2022/12/01English
Complete Self-similar Hypersurfaces to the Mean Curvature Flow with Nonnegative Constant Scalar Curvature2023/03/01English
Weighted Jump and Variational Inequalities for Hypersingular Integrals with Rough Kernels2023/03/01English
Sharp Bounds for the Spectral Radii of Nonnegative Tensors2023/07/01English
Duality of Three-parameter Hardy Spaces Associated with a Sum of Two Flag Singular Integrals2023/07/01English
The Batalin–Vilkovisky Structure over the Hochschild Cohomology Ring of Exterior Algebras2023/07/01English
The Finitistic Dimension and Global Dimension of an Artinian Ring with a Dualizing Complex2023/07/01English
Heisenberg Double of the Generalized Quantum Euclidean Group and Its Representations2024/04/20English
Hom-corings, Hom-coalgebra Galois Extensions and Partial Coactions of Monoidal Hom-Hopf Algebras2024/04/20English
The Pointwise Convergence Along Curve Associated with Boussinesq Operator2024/04/20English
Whittaker Modules over the N = 2 Super-BMS3 Algebra2024/04/20English