Title | Journal | Journal Categories | Citations | Publication Date |
Compactness of the ∂¯-Neumann problem on domains with bounded intrinsic geometry | Journal of Functional Analysis |
| 4 | 2021 |
On closed range for ∂̄ | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations |
| 7 | 2016 |
The $$L^2$$ L 2 -cohomology of a bounded smooth Stein Domain is not necessarily Hausdorff | Mathematische Annalen |
| 4 | 2015 |
$$L^2$$ L 2 estimates for the $$\bar{\partial }$$ ∂ ¯ operator | Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences |
| 9 | 2015 |
On L 2-Estimates for $\bar{\partial}$ on a Pseudoconvex Domain in a Complete Kähler Manifold with Positive Holomorphic Bisectional Curvature | The Journal of Geometric Analysis |
| 3 | 2014 |
Category | Category Repetition |
Science: Mathematics | 12 |