Physical Review Physics Education Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Reply to “Comment on ‘Examining the effect of counternarratives about physics on women’s physics career intentions’ ”2024/03/22English
Evaluating IBM’s Watson natural language processing artificial intelligence as a short-answer categorization tool for physics education research2024/03/22English
Redesigning a first year physics lab course on the basis of the procedural and conceptual knowledge in science model2024/03/22English
Comment on “Examining the effect of counternarratives about physics on women’s physics career intentions”2024/03/22English
Designing e-learning courses for classroom and distance learning in physics: The role of learning tasks2024/02/16English
Physicality, modeling, and agency in a computational physics class2023/03/30English
Fields in middle school energy instruction to support continued learning of energy2023/03/30English
Student experiences with authentic research in a remote, introductory course-based undergraduate research experience in physics2023/03/30English
Reducing procrastination on introductory physics online homework for college students using a planning prompt intervention2023/03/30English
Implementation and goals of quantum optics experiments in undergraduate instructional labs2023/03/03English
Development and validation of a conceptual survey instrument to evaluate senior high school students’ understanding of electrostatics2023/02/28English
Students’ views about experimental physics in a large-enrollment introductory lab focused on experimental scientific practices2023/03/02English
Statistically equivalent models with different causal structures: An example from physics identity2024/01/16English
Using story-based methodologies to explore physics identities: How do moments add up to a life in physics?2023/07/26English
Future quantum workforce: Competences, requirements, and forecasts2023/06/05English
How women physics teacher candidates utilize their double outsider identities to productively learn physics2023/06/13English
Online test administration results in students selecting more responses to multiple-choice-multiple-response items2023/02/02English
Ongoing effects of pandemic-imposed learning environment disruption on student attitudes2023/01/05English
Inclusive learning environments can improve student learning and motivational beliefs2022/12/23English
Students’ difficulties with the Dirac delta function in quantum mechanics2023/02/01English
Investigating the efficacy of attending to reflexive cognitive processes in the context of Newton’s second law2023/02/14English
Studying physics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Student perceptions on synchronous and asynchronous course formats and implications for the future2022/12/28English
Who and what gets recognized in peer recognition2024/04/15English
Open-inquiry opens doors to intriguing optics experiments at home: A case study2024/02/20English
Editorial: To Review Is to Be2023/09/25English
Can ChatGPT support prospective teachers in physics task development?2023/09/11English
Rethinking doctoral qualifying exams and candidacy in the physical sciences: Learning toward scientific legitimacy2023/08/14English
Electromagnetic field presented in introductory physics textbooks and consequences for its teaching2023/08/17English
Guiding principles for change in undergraduate education: An analysis of a departmental team’s change effort2023/07/31English
Gender bias in first-year multiple-choice physics examinations2023/08/11English