IISE Transactions

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Process flexibility design in heterogeneous and unbalanced networks: A stochastic programming approach2017/05/23English10
An approach based on robust optimization and decision rules for analyzing real options in engineering systems design2017/06/28English10
Spline model for wake effect analysis: Characteristics of a single wake and its impacts on wind turbine power generation2017/11/20English10
Solving the single and multiple asymmetric Traveling Salesmen Problems by generating subtour elimination constraints from integer solutions2017/09/05English10
A generalization of the Theory of Constraints: Choosing the optimal improvement option with consideration of variability and costs2019/08/05English10
Auction-based city logistics synchronization2018/03/09English10
Risk aversion to parameter uncertainty in Markov decision processes with an application to slow-onset disaster relief2019/11/11English10
Optimizing the recovery of disrupted single-sourced multi-echelon assembly supply chain networks2019/11/04English10
Elasticity management for capacity planning in software as a service cloud computing2020/10/07English10
Condition-based maintenance assessment for a deteriorating system considering stochastic failure dependence2022/07/07English10
A newsvendor model with autocorrelated demand under a time-consistent dynamic CVaR measure2019/04/08English10
State space modeling of autocorrelated multivariate Poisson counts2017/01/24English10
A degradation-based detection framework against covert cyberattacks on SCADA systems2020/09/17English10
A stochastic analysis of competing failures with propagation effects in functional dependency gates2017/06/14English10
Cruise itinerary schedule design2017/04/17English10
Online and offline assortment strategy for vertically differentiated products2019/10/14English10
Space-efficient layouts for block stacking warehouses2019/04/08English9
Joint repair sourcing and stocking policies for repairables using Erlang-A and Erlang-B queueing models2019/05/06English9
Enhancing stochastic kriging for queueing simulation with stylized models2018/06/08English9
Monitoring the shape parameter of a Weibull renewal process2017/03/25English9
Multi-sensor prognostics modeling for applications with highly incomplete signals2020/08/13English9
Selective maintenance and inspection optimization for partially observable systems: An interactively sequential decision framework2022/05/23English9
New team mates in the warehouse: Human interactions with automated and robotized systems2022/06/13English9
Bernoulli serial lines with batching machines: Performance analysis and system-theoretic properties2019/02/11English9
A branch-and-price approach for a biomass feedstock logistics supply chain design problem2019/05/30English9
A heuristic based on quadratic approximation for dual sourcing problem with general lead times and supply capacity uncertainty2019/03/20English9
Selective sensing of a heterogeneous population of units with dynamic health conditions2018/12/02English9
A distribution-based functional linear model for reliability analysis of advanced high-strength dual-phase steels by utilizing material microstructure images2017/07/31English9
Modeling and monitoring unweighted networks with directed interactions2020/06/04English9
Ranking and selection for terminating simulation under sequential sampling2020/08/03English9