IISE Transactions

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Variational inference-based transfer learning for profile monitoring with incomplete data2024/03/18English
Anomaly Detection in PV Systems using Constrained Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition2024/04/05English
Differentially Private Distributed Estimation and Learning2024/03/29English
Component-wise Markov decision process for solving condition-based maintenance of large multi-component systems with economic dependence2024/02/06English
Efficient continuous piecewise linear regression for linearising univariate non-linear functions2024/02/06English
Exact algorithm and machine learning-based heuristic for the stochastic lot streaming and scheduling problem2024/02/07English
Countering terrorist propaganda: Competitive resource allocation to communities2024/02/09English
Automated deviation-aware landmark selection for freeform product accuracy qualification in 3D printing2023/12/20English
An adaptive approach for online monitoring of large-scale data streams2023/12/11English
Introduction to the Special Issue on Analytical Methods for Detecting, Disrupting, and Dismantling Illicit Operations2023/11/07English
Sequencing heterogeneous orders in Bucket Brigade order-picking lines2024/04/22English
Scheduling Policies to Minimize Abandonment Costs in Infomercial Call Centers2024/03/18English
Simultaneous optimal control of directional missed discovery rates in data stream diagnosis2024/04/22English
Dynamic exploration–exploitation trade-off in active learning regression with Bayesian hierarchical modeling2024/04/22English
Iteration Complexity and Finite-Time Efficiency of Adaptive Sampling Trust-Region Methods for Stochastic Derivative-Free Optimization2024/03/27English
A deep mixed-effects modeling approach for real-time monitoring of metal additive manufacturing process2023/04/17English
An optimization-based framework to minimize the spread of diseases in social networks with heterogeneous nodes2023/04/17English
Distribution-free image monitoring with application to battery coating process2024/02/29English
Incentivizing compliance behaviors with investment goods in pandemic preparedness and resilience2024/03/04English
Active defect discovery: A human-in-the-loop learning method2023/07/26English
Two-stage distributionally robust optimization for joint system design and maintenance scheduling in high-consequence systems2023/08/01English
Efficiency of the carpooling service: Customer waiting and driver utilization2023/02/22English
Variable-sample method for the computation of stochastic Nash equilibrium2023/02/09English
Contributions to AI and Machine Learning for Manufacturing2024/04/17English
Dynamic inspection and maintenance scheduling for multi-state systems under time-varying demand: Proximal policy optimization2023/09/15English
Bayesian prognosis analysis of human papillomavirus-associated head and neck cancer using hierarchical Dirichlet process mixture models2023/09/11English
A game-theoretic approach to incentivize landowners to mitigate an emerald ash borer outbreak2023/09/13English
Ontology-guided attribute learning to accelerate certification for developing new printing processes2023/11/07English
Maintenance optimization for capital goods when information is incomplete and environment-dependent2023/09/11English
MMP Net: A feedforward neural network model with sequential inputs for representing continuous multistage manufacturing processes without intermediate outputs2023/09/06English