Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Conditions nécessaires et suffisantes d’existence de solutions en calcul des variations1987/04/01
Global regularity for solutions of the minimal surface equation with continuous boundary values1986/12/01
The Wiener criterion and quasilinear uniformly elliptic equations1987/10/01
A Keller–Segel type system in higher dimensions2017/08/01
Editorial Board2016/10/01
Stable singularity formation for the inviscid primitive equations2023/06/01
Approximate control of parabolic equations with on-off shape controls by Fenchel duality2024/02/22
Quantitative stochastic homogenization of nonlinearly elastic, random laminates2024/02/22
Norm inflation for solutions of semi-linear one-dimensional Klein–Gordon equations2024/04/03
Corrigendum to “Logarithmic Sobolev and interpolation inequalities on the sphere: Constructive stability results”2024/04/02
Sharp regularization effect for the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation with hard potentials2024/04/09
Cluster of vortex helices in the incompressible three-dimensional Euler equations2024/04/09
On the convergence of critical points of the Ambrosio–Tortorelli functional2023/11/22
A quantitative stability result for the Prékopa–Leindler inequality for arbitrary measurable functions2023/10/23
Asymptotic stability for the Dirac–Klein–Gordon system in two space dimensions2023/10/23
Asymptotic stability of the fourth-order $\phi^{4}$ kink for general perturbations in the energy space2024/03/27
Long-time vanishing properties of solutions of some semilinear parabolic equations2001/01/01
On the minimal action function of autonomous lagrangians associated to magnetic fields1999/12/01
Saddle-focus singular cycles and prevalence of hyperbolicity1998/10/01
Homogenization of a quasi-linear problem with quadratic growth in perforated domains: An example1997/01/01
On ε -optimal controls for state constraint problems2000/07/01
Nonlinear monotone semigroups and viscosity solutions2001/06/01
The Ginzburg-Landau equations of superconductivity and the one-phase Stefan problem1998/06/01
Regularity of solutions for arbitrary order variational inequalities with general convex sets1997/01/01
Limit behaviour of thin insulating layers around multiconnected domains2002/01/01
Dynamics of mean-field bosons at positive temperature2023/06/14
Estimation of non-uniqueness and short-time asymptotic expansions for Navier–Stokes flows2023/06/14
Nonlinear enhanced dissipation in viscous Burgers-type equations2024/04/19
Traveling waves and finite gap potentials for the Calogero–Sutherland derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation2024/04/22
Lifting of fractional Sobolev mappings to noncompact covering spaces2023/07/28