Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editorial Board2017/06/01
Editorial Board2017/08/01
Editorial Board2018/02/01
A note on harmonic maps between surfaces1985/12/01
Vers une notion de dérivation fonctionnelle causale1986/02/01
A finiteness result in the free boundary value problem for minimal surfaces1986/08/01
Smooth invariant curves of singularities of vector fields on \( ℝ^{3} \)1986/04/01
A nonlinear scattering problem1986/02/01
Note de la Rédaction1986/08/01
Hopf bifurcation for fully nonlinear equations in Banach space1986/08/01
Transformation conforme de la courbure scalaire sur la sphère1986/02/01
On a free boundary problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations1987/12/01
On the decay properties of the Franklin analyzing wavelet1988/10/01
Non-collision orbits for a class of Keplerian-like potentials1988/06/01
Periodic solutions for a class of Lorenz–Lagrangian systems1988/06/01
Contingent solutions to the center manifold equation1992/02/01
Boundary regularity for solutions of the equation of prescribed Gauss curvature1991/10/01
Resolution of the Cauchy problem for several hyperbolic systems arising in chemical engineering1992/04/01
On the density of the range for some nonlinear operators1989/04/01
KAM theory in momentum space and quasiperiodic Schrödinger operators1993/02/01
The Cauchy problem for a nonlinear Wheeler-DeWitt equation1993/02/01
Heteroclinic orbits for spatially periodic Hamiltonian systems1991/10/01
Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory with local Palais-Smale condition and singular dynamical systems1991/10/01
Extension de fonctions de type positif et entropie associée. Cas multidimensionnel1991/12/01
A system of non-linear functional differential equations arising in an equilibrium model of an economy with borrowing constraints1991/10/01
Régularité de la solution d’un problème variationnel1992/02/01
Structure de l’ensemble des équilibres d’une économie productive1992/06/01
Addendum to Closed orbits of fixed energy for a class of N-body problems1992/06/01
The porous medium equation as a finite-speed approximation to a Hamilton-Jacobi equation1987/06/01
An isoperimetric inequality in ℝ31987/08/01