IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
SRAM With Stability Monitoring and Body Bias Tuning for Biomedical Applications2022/01/01
Energy-Efficient In-Memory Binary Neural Network Accelerator Design Based on 8T2C SRAM Cell2022/01/01
A 0.5-mm2 Solar Cell-Powered Biofuel Cell-Input Biosensing System With LED Driving for Stand-Alone RF-Less Continuous Glucose Monitoring Contact Lens2022/01/01
Table of contents2018/03/01
A Temperature Compensation Technique for a Dynamic Amplifier in Pipelined-SAR ADCs2018/01/01
0.23-V Sample-Boost-Latch-Based Offset Tolerant Sense Amplifier2018/01/01
A 225 μm ${}^{2}$ Probe Single-Point Calibration Digital Temperature Sensor Using Body-Bias Adjustment in 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS2018/01/01
A 99% Current Efficient Three-Transistor Regulator With Built-In 80 ppm/°C Reference, for 0–10 mA Loads2018/02/01
A Single-Ended Modified Class-E PA With HD2 Rejection for Low-Power RF Applications2018/01/01
A Wide Range, Energy-Efficient Temperature Sensor Based on Direct Temperature–Voltage Comparison2023/01/01
A Ka-Band Series Structure Switchable Power Detector System2023/01/01
A 110–145-GHz SiGe HBT D-Band Vector Modulator Phase Shifter Utilizing Differential Quadrature Delay Lines2023/01/01
A New SRAM-Embedded Pixel Circuit That Modulates Accurately Gray Level for PWM-Driven Micro-LED Displays2023/01/01
High-Voltage MOSFET-Based Stacked RF Switch With Extended Bandwidth Down to DC2023/01/01
A Multichannel Injection-Locked OOK Transmitter With Current Mode Edge-Combining Power Amplifier2024/01/01
3-D In-Sensor Computing for Real-Time DVS Data Compression: 65-nm Hardware-Algorithm Co-Design2024/01/01
Sustainable Status Monitoring of MOSFETs in a Fully Integrated RF Amplifier by Thermal Voltage Sensing of On-Chip Thermopile2024/01/01
A Subthreshold Time-Domain Analog Spiking Neuron With PLL-Based Leak Circuit and Capacitive DAC Synapse2024/01/01
A Fully Integrated Digital LDO With Adaptive Sampling and Statistical Comparator Selection2024/01/01
Design and Stability Analysis of the Variable-Sawtooth-Based PWM Controller for the AC-Coupled Envelope Tracking Supply Modulator2024/01/01
248 GHz Sub-Harmonic Mixer Last Transmitter With I/Q Imbalance and LO Feedthrough Calibration2024/01/01
GaN Power Switch for Power Distribution Protection2024/01/01
A Ka-Band Mutual Coupling Resilient Stacked-FET Power Amplifier With 21.2 dBm OP1dB and 27.6% PAE1dB in 45-nm CMOS SOI2024/01/01
A 1.5-GHz Fully Integrated DC–DC Converter Based on Electromagnetically Coupled Class-D LC Oscillators and Resonant LC Flying Impedance Achieving 4.1-W/mm2 Peak Power Density and 77% Peak Efficiency2024/01/01
CINE: A 4K-UHD Energy-Efficient Computational Imaging Neural Engine With Overlapped Stripe Inference and Structure-Sparse Kernel2024/01/01
A Fully Integrated, Automatically Generated DC–DC Converter Maintaining >75% Efficiency From 398 K Down to 23 K Across Wide Load Ranges in 12-nm FinFET2024/01/01
A Low-Power 6–9-GHz IEEE 802.15.4a/4z Compliant IR-UWB Transceiver With Pulse Pre-Emphasis Achieving High ToA Precision2023/01/01
Editorial Welcome to the New Editor-in-Chief2024/01/01