South Central Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
In the Margins of Truth and Falsehood1993/01/011
Remembrance of Things Past: "Les Silences du palais" by Moufida Tlatli2000/01/011
Gothic Light: Vision and Visibility in the Victorian Novel1994/01/011
The Israelis and September 11th2002/01/011
Deconstructing the Metaphor: Empty Spaces in Calderonian Drama1988/01/011
Lust and Violence in "Samson Agonistes"1989/01/011
Three Post-1968 Itineraries: Regis Debray, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Marin Karmitz1999/01/011
Tennyson's "The Princess": The Ideal of "Like in Difference"1987/01/011
Knowledge and Embodiment in Yeats1987/01/011
American Crime Fiction: Studies in the Genre1991/01/011
On Teachers, Humanists, Scholars, and Researchers2000/01/011
The Weight/lessness of Sin: Donne's "Thou Hast Made Me" and the Psychostatic Tradition1987/01/011
Pater's Epiphanies and the Open Form1989/01/011
Eudora Welty's Heart of Darkness, Heart of Light1987/01/011
Dark Eden: The Swamp in Nineteenth-Century American Culture1991/01/011
The Politics of Vision in Shakespeare's "1 Henry VI"2002/01/011
The Shadow of de Man1994/01/011
Futurism as a Submerged Paradigm for Artistic Activism and Practical Anarchism1996/01/011
Anton Giulio Bragaglia's "Thais"; or, The Death of the Diva + The Rise of the Scenoplastica = The Birth of Futurist Cinema1996/01/011
George Herbert Pulling for Prime1986/01/011
Walt Whitman: A Descriptive Bibliography1996/01/011
The Politics of Provocation in the Hussards2000/01/011
Women, America, and Movement: Narratives of Relocation1999/01/011
Self-Representation in Futurism and Punk1996/01/011
On Teaching "French"1998/01/011
The Haunting of 19681999/01/011
Whitman's Confidence Game: The "Good Gray Poet" and the Civil War1990/01/011
Travel as Hunger Urge in the Works of Jean Lorrain1985/01/011
Merzak Allouache's "Salut Cousin!": Immigrants, Hosts, and Parasites2000/01/011
A Modern "Retablo": Valle-Inclan's Synthesis of Art Forms and Techniques1990/01/011