South Central Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
In the Beginning There Was Death: Spiritual Desolation and the Search for Self in Jamaica Kincaid's "Autobiography of My Mother"2003/01/011
Hermeneutic Circles and Cycles of Violence: "La fille aux yeux d'or", "Histoire d'O", "Les guerilleres"2002/01/011
Fulke Greville's Biography of Sir Philip Sidney and the "Architectonic" Tudor Life1985/01/011
The Nationalization of the French Intellectuals in 19452000/01/011
Bakhtin and Phenomenology: A Reply to Gary Saul Morson1995/01/011
Viktor Erofeyev1995/01/011
Eudora Welty's Aesthetics of Place2000/01/011
The Flowering (And Misreading) of Romance: "Floire et Blancheflor"1992/01/011
R. S. Thomas: Poet-Priest of the Apocalyptic Mode1987/01/011
Making a Classic: The Advent of the Literary Series1994/01/011
Redeeming Eve: Women Writers in the English Renaissance1989/01/011
Dismantling the Dream Factory: The Film Industry in Berubbled Germany1999/01/011
"Si les signes vous fachent...": Natural Inference and the Science of Signs in the Renaissance1993/01/011
Charles Lamb's "Old China," Hogarth, and Perspective Painting1993/01/011
The Passing of the Seasons and the Apocalyptic in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"1986/01/011
"Artemio Cruz": The Sign Made Text1990/01/011
Explanation and Judgment in the Writing of History1998/01/011
Ruskin and the Ideal Woman1987/01/011
"Eikonoklastes" and the Miltonic King1998/01/011
"European Borders"2003/01/011
Manipulating a Genre: "Huckleberry Finn" as Boy Book1988/01/011
Moviemaking in Percy's "Lancelot"1986/01/011
Shakespeare's Use of Chaucer in "Troilus and Cressida": "That the Will Is Infinite, and the Execution Confined"1988/01/011
Multiculturalism, Reintegration, and Beyond: The Afrikanisch-Asiatische Studentenforderung in Gottingen1999/01/011
"The Long Arm" and the Law2001/01/011
Reflections on David Carrroll's "French Literary Fascism": Two Views1997/01/011
German Studies in the Post-Holocaust Age: The Politics of Memory, Identity, and Ethnicity2002/01/011
On the Waterfront: Class Action and Anti-Colonial Engagements in Paul Carpita's "Le Rendez-vous des quais"2000/01/011
An Interview with Ana Castillo1999/01/011
The Rhetoric of Power in Juan Manuel's "El Conde Lucanor"1994/01/011