Technology and Culture

Title Publication Date Language Citations
John H. Hall, Simeon North, and the Milling Machine: The Nature of Innovation among Antebellum Arms Makers1973/10/0111
What SHOT Hath Wrought and What SHOT Hath Not: Reflections on Twenty-Five Years of the History of Technology1984/10/0111
From Service to Sales: Home Economics in Light and Power, 1920-19401997/01/0111
Determinism and Indeterminacy in the History of Technology1995/04/0111
Adam Smith and the Concept of the Feedback System: Economic Thought and Technology in 18th-Century Britain1971/01/0111
Suppressing Innovation: Bell Laboratories and Magnetic Recording1993/07/0111
The French Connection: Giffard's Injector and the Nature of Heat1982/01/0111
Swords into Plowshares: A Study of Agricultural Technology and Society in Early China1978/01/0111
Miners, Engineers, and the Transformation of Work in the Western Mining Industry, 1880-19301996/07/0111
Manufacturing Diversity: Production Systems, Markets, and an American Consumer Society, 1870-19301994/07/0111
The American-ness of American Technology1979/01/0110
Versatile Tools: Gender Analysis and the History of Technology1997/01/0110
Technology, Chemistry, and the Law in Early 19th-Century England1980/01/0110
Atmospheric Pollution and the British Copper Industry, 1690-19201997/07/0110
Theory and Narrative in the History of Technology1991/04/0110
The Big Questions in the History of American Technology1970/01/0110
Power Technologies and the Advance of Science, 1700-18251965/01/0110
Losing Touch: The Controversy over the Introduction of Blood Pressure Instruments into Medicine1993/10/0110
Working Environments: An Ecological Approach to Industrial Health and Safety1995/04/0110
The Weapons of the West: Military Technology and Modernization in 19th-Century China and Japan1977/01/0110
The Discovery of Carbon in Steel1964/01/0110
Engineering and Science: A Historical Review and Appraisal1961/01/0110
The Sciences of the Artificial1970/01/0110
Data Processing and Technological Change: The Post Office Savings Bank, 1861-19301998/01/0110
The Background of Thomsen's Three-Age System1962/01/0110
From Manchester to Massachusetts via Mulhouse: The Transatlantic Voyage of Aniline Black1994/01/0110
Engineers and Economists: Historical Perspectives on the Pricing of Electricity1989/01/0110
The Scientist and the "Improver" of Technology1959/01/0110
Appropriate Technology in Rural Mexico: Antecedents and Consequences of an Indigenous Peasant Innovation1978/01/0110
Sir William O'Shaughnessy, Lord Dalhousie, and the Establishment of the Telegraph System in India1971/10/0110