Technology and Culture

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Nuclear Reactors: Engineering Success, Public Relations Failure1997/10/0110
The Interaction of Science and Practice in the History of Metallurgy1961/01/0110
Painterly Maiolica of the Italian Renaissance1993/01/0110
Science and the Steam Engine1961/01/019
Theory and Narrative in the History of Technology: Response1991/04/019
The Shoulders We Stand on and the View from Here: Historiography and Directions for Research1997/01/019
Takeoff or Self-Sufficiency? Ideologies of Development in Indonesia, 1957-19611998/04/019
The Evolution of Science Museums1965/01/019
From Batch to Flow: Production Technology and Work-Force Skills in the Steel Industry, 1880-19201988/10/019
The High-Vacuum X-Ray Tube: Technological Change in Social Context1997/10/019
The Measurement of Power in Early Steam-Driven Textile Mills1972/01/019
Technics and the Nature of Man1966/01/019
Cause or Consequence: Science, Technology, and Regulatory Change in the Oil Business in Texas, 1930-19751989/04/019
Changing Partners: The Mellon Institute, Private Industry, and the Federal Patron1994/04/019
Military Institutions, Weapons, and Social Change: Toward a New History of Military Technology1994/10/019
Raising and Watering a City: Ellis Sylvester Chesbrough and Chicago's First Sanitation System1972/07/019
The Ewo Filature: A Study in the Transfer of Technology to China in the 19th Century1979/07/019
From Birmingham to Billingham: High-Pressure Coal Hydrogenation in Great Britain1985/10/019
Mediterranean Contributions to the Medieval Mariner's Compass1973/07/019
Technology as Skills1966/01/019
"The Industrial Instrument-Master of Industry, Servant of Management": Automatic Control in the Process Industries, 1900-19401991/01/018
Technology and the Workplace: Skilled and Production Workers at Allis-Chalmers, 1900-19411988/10/018
The Romance of Technological Progress: A Critical Review of the National Air and Space Museum1981/04/018
Making up Mind: The Early Sociology of Invention1995/10/018
Francesco di Giorgio Martini's Treatise on Engineering and Its Plagiarists1963/01/018
Medieval Masons' Tools. II. Compass and Square1965/01/018
Genesis of the ENIAC1976/07/018
A Century of Automobility1996/10/018
Invention and the State in 18th-Century France1991/10/018
Perestroika of the History of Technology and Science in the USSR: Changes in the Discourse1996/01/018