Technology and Culture

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Art, Technology, and Science: Notes on Their Historical Interaction1970/10/0115
Cultural Imperatives and Product Development: The Case of the Shirt-Pocket Radio1993/01/0115
British Electrical Industry Lag: 1882-18881962/01/0115
The Scientific Mystique in Engineering: Highway Research at the Bureau of Public Roads, 1918-19401984/10/0114
Accounting for Innovation: Technological Change and Business Practice in the Berkshire County Paper Industry1985/10/0114
Landscapes of Technology Transfer: Rice Cultivation and African Continuities1996/01/0114
Advances in American Agriculture: The Mechanical Tomato Harvester as a Case Study1968/10/0114
Scientific Technology, 1845-1900: The Hydraulic Turbine and the Origins of American Industrial Research1979/01/0114
James Watt and the Law of Patents1972/04/0114
Irving Langmuir and the Pursuit of Science and Technology in the Corporate Environment1983/04/0113
Weimar Culture and Futuristic Technology: The Rocketry and Spaceflight Fad in Germany, 1923-19331990/10/0113
Control-Volume Analysis: A Difference in Thinking between Engineering and Physics1982/04/0113
The Science-Technology Interaction: The Case of High-Voltage Power Transmission Systems1976/10/0113
Elisha Gray and the Telephone: On the Disadvantages of Being an Expert1975/04/0113
Reshaping Technology in Wartime: The Effect of Military Goals on Entomological Research and Insect-Control Practices1978/04/0112
Science as a Form of Action: The Role of the Engineering Sciences1988/01/0112
"The Most Reliable Time": William Bond, the New England Railroads, and Time Awareness in 19th-Century America1989/01/0112
Space-Age Europe: Gaullism, Euro-Gaullism, and the American Dilemma1985/04/0112
Beyond Tractors: The History of Technology in American Agriculture1991/01/0112
Who Turned the Mechanical Ideal into Mechanical Reality?1988/10/0112
Innovation and Amnesia: Engineering Rationality and the Fate of Interchangeable Parts Manufacturing in France1997/04/0112
Muskets and Pendulums: Benjamin Robins, Leonhard Euler, and the Ballistics Revolution1994/04/0112
The Stereoscope and Photographic Depiction in the 19th Century1993/10/0112
At the Turn of a Screw: William Sellers, the Franklin Institute, and a Standard American Thread1969/01/0112
Accident or Design? George Ravenscroft's Patent and the Invention of Lead-Crystal Glass1987/10/0112
Modern Technology and an Ancient Occupation: Housework in Present-Day Society1965/01/0112
The Mechanics of Learning by Doing: Problem Discovery during Process Machine Use1996/04/0112
The Transformation of Antebellum Patent Law1991/10/0111
The Openness of Knowledge: An Ideal and Its Context in 16th-Century Writings on Mining and Metallurgy1991/04/0111
The Switchboard Problem: Scale, Signaling, and Organization in Manual Telephone Switching, 1877-18971989/07/0111