Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Wave Functions, Evolution Equations and Evolution Kernels from Light-Ray Operators of QCD1994/01/01German922
Radiative Corrections in the Standard Model and Their R??le for Precision Tests of the Electroweak Theory1990/01/01German343
Techniques for the Calculation of Electroweak Radiative Corrections at the One-Loop Level and Results forW-physics at LEP 2001993/01/01German192
Free Massless Fields of Arbitrary Spin in the de Sitter Space and Initial Data for a Higher Spin Superalgebra1987/01/01German129
Extended Higher-Spin Superalgebras and Their Realizations in Terms of Quantum Operators1988/01/01German127
Introduction toS-Duality inN = 2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (A Pedagogical Review of the Work of Seiberg and Witten)1997/01/01German110
On the Nonequilibrium Statistical Operator Method1990/01/01German100
Path Integral Discussion for Smorodinsky-Winternitz Potentials: I. Two- and Three Dimensional Euclidean Space1995/01/01German92
Group-Theoretical Approach to Extended Conformal Supersymmetry: Function Space Realizations and Invariant Differential Operators1987/01/01German89
High-Speed Scattering of Charged and Uncharged Particles in General Relativity1985/01/01German82
Multipole Moments in General Relativity —Static and Stationary Vacuum Solutions—1990/01/01German80
Jet Cross Sections in e+e− Annihilation1989/01/01English75
On the 1-Loop Renormalization of the Electroweak Standard Model and its Application to Leptonic Processes1986/01/01German73
Path Integral Discussion for Smorodinsky-Winternitz Potentials: II. The Two- and Three-Dimensional Sphere1995/01/01German69
Renormalization Group, Effective Action and Grand Unification Theories in Curved Space-Time1991/01/01English61
Derivation of Nonperturbative Relativistic Two-Body Equations from the Action Principle in Quantumelectrodynamics1985/01/01German54
A Classical Approach in Predictive Statistical Mechanics: A Generalized Boltzmann Formalism1995/01/01German52
Geometry of Lagrangian First-order Classical Field Theories1996/01/01German51
Effective Action in Multidimensional (Super)Gravities and Spontaneous Compactification (Quantum Aspects of Kaluza-Klein Theories)1989/01/01English51
Towards the Many-Body Theory with the Galilei Invariance as a Guide: Part I1988/01/01German50
Model Independent QED Corrections to the Processep → eX1996/01/01German49
Galilean Covariance and the Schrödinger Equation1989/01/01English46
Dual Description of the Superconducting Phase Transition1995/01/01German44
Theory of Singular Lagrangians1990/01/01German44
CP Violating Phenomena and Theoretical Results1988/01/01German43
The Parametrization Invariant and Gauge Invariant Effective Actions in Quantum Field Theory1990/01/01German42
Quantum Dynamical Approach of Wavefunction Collapse in Measurement Process and Its Application to Quantum Zeno Effect1995/01/01German41
Moyal Formulation of Quantum Mechanics1995/01/01German39
Towards the Many-Body Theory with the Galilei invariance as a Gluide Part II1988/01/01German39
Localized-Particles Approach for Classical and Quantum Crystals1983/01/01German37