Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
N = 2 Symplectic Reparametrizations in a Chiral Background1996/01/01German34
Hamiltonian Structure of Poincaré Gauge Theory and Separation of Non-Dynamical Variables in Exact Torsion Solutions1988/01/01German34
Radial Equations for the Relativistic Two-Fermion Problem with the Most General Electric and Magnetic Potentials1985/01/01German32
Open Descendants in Conformal Field Theory1996/01/01German30
More on Zeta-Function Regularization of High-Temperature Expansions1987/01/01German29
All-order Finiteness inN = 1 SYM Theories: Criteria and Applications1997/01/01German28
Double Supersymmetric Particle Theories1990/01/01German25
Scalar Quantum Fields Confined by Rectangular Boundaries1995/01/01German25
Continuous Symmetries in Field Theory1983/01/01German24
Holstein-Primakoff/Bogoliubov Transformations and the Multiboson System1997/01/01German24
Generalized Reduction Procedure: Symplectic and Poisson Formalism1994/01/01German24
A Viable Model of Locally Anisotropic Space-Time and the Finslerian Generalization of the Relativity Theory1994/01/01German23
Brans-Dicke Cosmology with a Scalar Field Dependent Cosmological Term1986/01/01German23
Solitons, Monopoles, and Duality: From Sine-Gordon to Seiberg-Witten1997/01/01German22
Fusion Rules in Conformal Field Theory1994/01/01German22
Asymptotic Properties of Hadron Matter in Relative Four-Velocity Space1990/01/01German21
Progress in the 5-dimensional Projective Unified Field Theory — Relationship to the Kaluza-Klein Approach1995/01/01German20
Are Cosmic Strings Gravitationally Sterile? (More on gravitational Aharonov-Bohm interaction)1990/01/01German20
Spectral Sum Rules for the Circular Aharonov-Bohm Quantum Billiard1987/01/01German19
Part 1 : Topological aspects of Yang-Mills fields in curved spaces. (Exact solutions)1987/01/01German18
On a Three-Body Problem in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics1983/01/01German18
Finslerian Extension of Schwarzschild Metric1992/01/01German18
Microscopic Studies of Electric Dipole Resonances in 1p Shell Nuclei1987/01/01German17
The Conformal GroupSU(2, 2) and Integrable Systems on a Lorentzian Hyperboloid1996/01/01German17
Beta Decay Far from Stability and Its Role in Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics1985/01/01German17
On Parasupersymmetries and Relativistic Descriptions for Spin one Particles: II. The Interacting Context with (Electro)Magnetic Fields1995/01/01German16
Nonlinear Transformations and Integrable Evolution Equations1983/01/01German16
N = 1 Dualities for Exceptional Gauge Groups and Quantum Global Symmetries1997/01/01German15
Mesons in the Quark Model of Superconductivity Type1989/01/01English15
Statistical-Mechanical Foundations for a Generalized Thermodynamics of Dissipative Processes1997/01/01German15