Symposium (International) on Combustion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Laminar burning velocities of methanol, ethanol and isooctane-air mixtures1982/01/01English2
A hybrid Newton/time-integration procedure for the solution of steady, laminar, one-dimensional, premixed flames1988/01/01English2
Near-field entrainment in unsteady gas jets and diesel sprays: A comparative study1996/01/01English2
Triple flames and partially premixed combustion in autoignition of non-premixed turbulent mixtures1996/01/01English2
Self-ignition of diesel-relevant hydrocarbon-air mixtures under engine conditions1996/01/01English2
Visible structure of buoyant diffusion flames1985/01/01English2
Laminar flame speeds and oxidation kinetics of iso-octane-air and n-heptane-air flames1998/01/01English2
The dependence of flame temperature on mass burning velocity1957/01/01English2
Control of residual fuel oil particulate emissions by additives1982/01/01English2
An integrated PDF/neural network approach for simulating turbulent reacting systems1996/01/01English2
The pyrolysis of organic hydroperoxides (ROOH)1992/01/01English2
Combustion of fuel droplets in a falling chamber1957/01/01English2
Counterflow diffusion flames of quasi-monodisperse electrostatic sprays1992/01/01English2
Laser ignition and flame propagation of pulverized coal dust clouds1996/01/01English2
Shock-tube investigations on the self-ignition of hydrocarbon-air mixtures at high pressures1994/01/01English2
Syngas production using superadiabatic combustion of ultra-rich methane-air mixtures1998/01/01English2
Toward a comprehensive chemical kinetic mechanism for the oxidation of acetylene: Comparison of model predictions with results from flame and shock tube experiments1982/01/01English2
Oxidation of automotive primary reference fuels at elevated pressures1998/01/01English2
Laminar flame speeds and extinction strain rates of mixtures of carbon monoxide with hydrogen, methane, and air1994/01/01English2
Ignition and combustion of bulk titanium and magnesium at normal and reduced gravity1996/01/01English2
Ignition and combustion of boron in wet and dry atmospheres1991/01/01English2
High-temperature reactions of phenyl oxidation1994/01/01English2
Experimental investigation of the kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of n-propyl radicals with molecular oxygen from 297 to 635 K1985/01/01English2
Flame front geometry in premixed turbulent flames1992/01/01English2
Three-dimensional furnace computer modelling1988/01/01English2
Pulse combustion: recent applications and research issues1992/01/01English2
The effect of structure on the stability of detonations I. Role of the induction zone1988/01/01English2
Kinetic and mechanistic studies of the reaction of hydroxyl radicals with acetaldehyde over an extended temperature range1996/01/01English2
Shock-tube investigation of ignition in propane-oxygen-argon mixtures1971/01/01English2
The behavior of pool fires: State of the art and new insights1998/01/01English2