Symposium (International) on Combustion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effects of stretch on the local structure of preely propagating premixed low-turbulent flames with various lewis numbers1998/01/01English2
Combustion diagnostics: Planar imaging techniques1988/01/01English2
A kinetic criterion of flammability limits: The C-H-O-inert system1991/01/01English2
Experimental and numerical determination of laminar flame speeds: Mixtures of C2-hydrocarbons with oxygen and nitrogen1991/01/01English2
Computational and experimental study of OH and CH radicals in axisymmetric laminar diffusion flames1992/01/01English2
Laminar flame calculations using simplified chemical kinetics based on intrinsic low-dimensional manifolds1994/01/01English2
The structure of the recirculation zone of a bluff-body combustor1994/01/01English2
A study of gas composition profiles for low NOx pulverized coal combustion and burner scale-up1988/01/01English2
The droplet group microexplosions in water-in-oil emulsion sprays and their effects on diesel engine combustion1994/01/01English2
Absolute radical concentration measurements and modeling of low-pressure CH4/O2/NO flames1998/01/01English2
An experimental study of combustion dynamics of a premixed swirl injector1998/01/01English2
A method of predicting coal devolatilization behavior based on the elemental composition1994/01/01English2
Computational and experimental study of a laminar axisymmetric methane-air diffusion flame1991/01/01English2
Soot formation at elevated pressures and carbon concentrations in hydrocarbon pyrolysis1994/01/01English2
On the determination of laminar flame speeds from stretched flames1985/01/01English2
A shock-tube study of flame front-pressure wave interaction1957/01/01English2
Comparison of oxidation and autoignition of the two primary reference fuels by rapid compression1996/01/01English2
A model for prediction of selective noncatalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides by ammonia, urea, and cyanuric acid with mixing limitations in the presence of co1996/01/01English2
On surface growth mechanism of soot particles1996/01/01English2
Three-dimensional structure of stabilization of oblique detonation wave in hypersonic flow1998/01/01English2
Combustion length of enclosed turbulent jet flames1953/01/01English2
Experimental data and kinetic modeling of primary reference fuel mixtures1996/01/01English2
The kinetics of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon agglomeration in flames1991/01/01English2
On the shock-induced ignition of explosive gases1971/01/01English2
NO/char reactions at pulverized coal flame conditions1981/01/01English2
Vortex mixing for supersonic combustion1969/01/01English2
Observations of flame instabilities in large scale vented gas explosions1981/01/01English2
Reaction mechanisms and rate constants ofelementary steps in methane-oxygen flames1973/01/01English2
The effects of imperfect fuel-air mixing in a burner onno formation from nitrogen in the air and the fuel1973/01/01English2
Chemical kinetics and modeling of combustion processes1981/01/01English2