Symposium (International) on Combustion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Further considerations on the determination of laminar flame speeds with the counterflow twin-flame technique1994/01/01English3
Power generation and aeropropulsion gas turbines: From combustion science to combustion technology1998/01/01English3
Experimental study on high-pressure droplet evaporation using microgravity conditions1996/01/01English3
Numerical and experimental study of “tulip” flame formation in a closed vessel1988/01/01English3
Laseroptical investigation of highly preheated combustion with strong exhaust gas recirculation1998/01/01English3
A study on ethanol oxidation kinetics in laminar premixed flames, flow reactors, and shock tubes1992/01/01English3
Planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging of flame heat release rate1998/01/01English3
Implementation of simplified chemical kinetics based on intrinsic low-dimensional manifolds1992/01/01English3
Reaction mechanisms in aromatic hydrocarbon formation involving the C5H5 cyclopentadienyl moiety1996/01/01English3
Analytic approximations of burning velocities and flame thicknesses of lean hydrogen, methane, ethylene, ethane, acetylene, and propane flames1992/01/01English3
The CH3+C5H5 reaction: A potential source of benene at high temperatures1996/01/01English3
Mixing and chemical reaction in steady confined turbulent flames1971/01/01English3
Laser velocimeter measurements in a turbulent flame1977/01/01English3
Initiation and propagation of flame fronts in lean CH4-air mixtures by the three modes of the ignition spark1979/01/01English3
Soot formation in combustion processes1989/01/01English3
Buoyant diffusion flames1989/01/01English2
Mechanism of flame kernel formation produced by short duration sparks1989/01/01English2
Spark ignition of methane and methanol in ozonized air1989/01/01English2
Advanced NOx reduction processes using-NH and -CN compounds in conjunction with staged air addition1989/01/01English2
Ion production and recombination in flames1961/01/01English2
Post-detonation pressure and thermal studies of solid high explosives in a closed chamber1957/01/01English2
Ceiling flows of growing rack storage fires1988/01/01English2
Calculation of flame velocity in turbulent stream1958/01/01English2
Diagrams of premixed turbulent combustion based on direct simulation1991/01/01English2
Extents of alkane combustion during rapid compression leading to single-and two-stage ignition1996/01/01English2
Iron/soot interaction in a laminar ethylene nonpremixed flame1994/01/01English2
The science and technology of combustion in highly preheated air1998/01/01English2
A new path to benzene in flames1991/01/01English2
Turbulent premixed flame propagation models for different combustion regimes1991/01/01English2
Pocket formation and the flame surface density equation1998/01/01English2