Journal de Physique

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Adsorption of chain molecules with a polar head a scaling description1977/01/011,280
Star shaped polymers : a model for the conformation and its concentration dependence1982/01/011,023
Modèle de fonction aléatoire de couverture applicable aux phénomènes de filiation à base poissonnienne1971/01/01954
Kondo effect in real metals1980/01/01827
Order as an effect of disorder1980/01/01656
Theory of one- and two-dimensional magnets with an easy magnetization plane. II. The planar, classical, two-dimensional magnet1975/01/01620
Remarks on polyelectrolyte conformation1976/01/01601
Theory of magnetic suspensions in liquid crystals1970/01/01539
Diagonalisation d'une classe d'hamiltoniens de spin1976/01/01525
Short range force effects in semiclassical molecular line broadening calculations1979/01/01521
Fluctuations in membranes with crystalline and hexatic order1987/01/01520
Frequency spectrum of the flicker phenomenon in erythrocytes1975/01/01469
Polymorphism of phospholipid monolayers1978/01/01465
Path integral approach to birth-death processes on a lattice1985/01/01434
Statistics of macromolecular solutions trapped in small pores1977/01/01423
The Lagrangian theory of polymer solutions at intermediate concentrations1975/01/01410
Modules élastiques des métaux de transition1970/01/01390
Scaling theory of polymer adsorption1976/01/01360
Stress tensor for a nematic liquid crystal1970/01/01344
Polymer adsorption on small spheres. A scaling approach1977/01/01330
Localized structures generated by subcritical instabilities1988/01/01328
Localized time-dependent perturbations in metals : formalism and simple examples1976/01/01327
The role of topological constraints in the kinetics of collapse of macromolecules1988/01/01318
I. Parity violation induced by weak neutral currents in atomic physics1974/01/01314
The curvature elasticity of fluid membranes : A catalogue of vesicle shapes1976/01/01313
Gelation of aqueous gelatin solutions. I. Structural investigation1988/01/01310
An investigation of finite size scaling1982/01/01309
Replica symmetry breaking and the nature of the spin glass phase1984/01/01306
Formalism of nucleon-nucleon elastic scattering experiments1978/01/01304
Theoretical study of the coherent backscattering of light by disordered media1988/01/01301