Journal de Physique

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Organization of surfactant micelles adsorbed on a polymer molecule in water : a neutron scattering study1982/01/01301
Non-singular disclinations of strength S = + 1 in nematics1972/01/01289
The structure of smectic A phases of compounds with cyano end groups1979/01/01281
Effect of thermal undulations on the rigidity of fluid membranes and interfaces1985/01/01278
On the theory of collisions of atoms in rydberg states with neutral particles1977/01/01277
Quantum theory of one- and two-dimensional ferro- and antiferromagnets with an easy magnetization plane . I. ideal 1-d or 2-d lattices without in-plane anisotropy1974/01/01267
Niveaux de 137Cs alimentés dans la désintégration de 137Xe1975/01/01266
Two-dimensional ising model with competing interactions : floating phase, walls and dislocations1981/01/01252
A scalar crystal field strength parameter for rare-earth ions : meaning and usefulness1983/01/01250
Lyapounov exponent of the one dimensional Anderson model : weak disorder expansions1984/01/01249
Hydrodynamic instabilities of nematic liquid crystals under A. C. electric fields1971/01/01247
Vacuum fluctuations and radiation reaction : identification of their respective contributions1982/01/01243
Curvature instability in membranes1986/01/01240
Relaxation par collisions des états excités d'un atome1965/01/01239
Dynamics of living polymers and flexible surfactant micelles : scaling laws for dilution1988/01/01238
Band structure model and dynamical dielectric function in lowest stages of graphite acceptor compounds1980/01/01238
Conjectures on the statistics of ring polymers1986/01/01234
A simple theory of the anomalous hall effect in semiconductors1973/01/01231
Spectroscopie d'absorption multiphotonique sans effet Doppler1973/01/01230
Quasiperiodic patterns and icosahedral symmetry1986/01/01229
Diffusing-wave spectroscopy: dynamic light scattering in the multiple scattering limit1990/01/01228
Intermittency, self-similarity and 1/f spectrum in dissipative dynamical systems1980/01/01225
On electrically driven pattern-forming instabilities in planar nematics1988/01/01222
A synchrotron X-ray study of competing undulation and electrostatic interlayer interactions in fluid multimembrane lyotropic phases1988/01/01221
Thermal fluctuations of large quasi-spherical bimolecular phospholipid vesicles1984/01/01218
Exciton Bose condensation : the ground state of an electron-hole gas - I. Mean field description of a simplified model1982/01/01218
Application of the phenomenological renormalization to percolation and lattice animals in dimension 21982/01/01216
Particle vs. pair condensation in attractive Bose liquids1982/01/01215
Temperature-concentration diagram of polymer solutions1976/01/01213
Equilibrium critical properties of random field systems : new conjectures1985/01/01211