The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-)

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sentencing Guidelines and Prison Population Growth1995/01/0143
On the Perceived Severity of Legal Penalties1979/01/0143
The Cycle of Crime and Socialization Practices1991/01/0143
Diversion and Accelerated Social Control1977/06/0143
Parental Support, Delinquent Friends, and Delinquency: A Test of Interaction Effects1979/01/0143
Criminal Behavior and Age: A Test of Three Provocative Hypotheses1997/01/0142
Unemployment and Imprisonment1979/01/0142
Victim-Offender Dynamics in Violent Crime1981/01/0140
Stranger Homicides in Nine American Cities1987/01/0140
An Analysis of the Time Series of the Imprisonment Rate in the States of the United States: A Further Test of the Stability of Punishment Hypothesis1979/01/0140
Stratification and Conflict among Prison Inmates1975/12/0140
The Impact of "Miranda" Revisited1996/01/0140
Felony Punishments: A Factorial Survey of Perceived Justice in Criminal Sentencing1991/01/0140
Sentencing the Green-Collar Offender: Punishment, Culpability, and Environmental Crime2004/01/0139
Delinquency, Opportunity, and Gender1979/01/0139
Types of Consensus in Public Evaluations of Crime: An Illustration of Strategies for Measuring "Consensus"1984/01/0138
Driver Race, Ethnicity, and Gender and Citizen Reports of Vehicle Searches by Police and Vehicle Search Hits: Toward a Triangulated Scholarly Understanding2004/01/0138
Is There a "Subculture of Violence" in the South?1975/12/0138
Survey Research and Self-Defense Gun Use: An Explanation of Extreme Overestimates1997/01/0138
Asymmetrical Causation and Criminal Desistance1998/01/0138
Examining Three-Wave Deterrence Models: A Question of Temporal Order and Specification1988/01/0138
Parameters of Criminal Prosecution: An Application of Path Analysis to a Problem of Criminal Justice1974/12/0137
Policing Possession: The War on Crime and the End of Criminal Law2001/01/0137
Gender, Crime, and the Criminal Law Defenses1994/01/0136
Forecasting Sexual Abuse in Prison: The Prison Subculture of Masculinity as a Backdrop for "Deliberate Indifference"2001/01/0136
General Prevention Revisited: Research and Policy Implications1975/09/0136
Relational Distance and Homicide: The Role of the Stranger1987/01/0135
Recasting Prosecutorial Discretion1996/01/0135
The Right to Counsel in Juvenile Court: An Empirical Study of When Lawyers Appear and the Difference They Make1989/01/0135
Homicide in Chicago: A Nine-Year Study (1965-1973)1975/12/0135