The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-)

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Social Construction of a Hate Crime Epidemic1996/01/0134
Danger and Detention: A Second Generation of Bail Reform1985/01/0134
Toward Criminal Jury Instructions That Jurors Can Understand1984/01/0134
Testing Alternative Models of Delinquency Causation1976/12/0134
The Pervasiveness of Arbitrariness and Discrimination under Post-"Furman" Capital Statutes1983/01/0134
Toward an Integration of Criminological Theories1985/01/0134
Sentencing Disparities in the Juvenile Justice System1979/01/0133
A Contemporary Look at the Effects of Rape Law Reform: How Far Have We Really Come?1993/01/0133
Cultural and Sexual Differences on the Judgment of Criminal Offenses: A Replication Study of the Measurement of Delinquency1973/09/0132
The Deterrent Effects of the Florida Felony Firearm Law1984/01/0132
Challenging Just Deserts: Punishing White-Collar Criminals1982/01/0132
Why so Fast, Why so Slow?: Explaining Case Processing Time1986/01/0131
A Comparison of Prison Use in England, Canada, West Germany, and the United States: A Limited Test of the Punitive Hypothesis1988/01/0131
Examining the Boundaries of Hate Crime Law: Disabilities and the "Dilemma of Difference"2001/01/0130
The Arrest Experiments: A Feminist Critique1992/01/0130
Sexual Assault and Its Prosecution: A Comparison with Other Crimes1982/01/0130
The Impact of Certainty and Severity of Punishment on Levels of Crime in American States: An Extended Analysis1973/12/0130
Community Policing and Youth as Assets2004/01/0130
The Paradox of Private Policing2004/01/0129
Patterns of Stranger and Serial Rape Offending: Factors Distinguishing Apprehended and at Large Offenders1987/01/0129
On the Measurement of Delinquency1975/06/0129
The 75% Solution: An Analysis of the Structure of Attitudes on Gun Control, 1959-19771980/01/0129
Changes in Firearms Ownership among Women, 1980-19941995/01/0129
A Study of the Efficacy and Interactions of Several Theories for Explaining Rebelliousness among High School Students1978/01/0129
Crime, Punishment and Personality: An Examination of the Deterrence Question1976/03/0128
Stranger Violence: Perspectives, Issues, and Problems1987/01/0128
Prosecuting Juveniles in Criminal Courts: A Legal and Empirical Analysis1985/01/0128
Methodological Issues in Survey Research on the Inhibition of Crime1981/01/0128
Foreword: Addressing the Real World of Racial Injustice in the Criminal Justice System2003/01/0127
The Back-Door to Prison: Waiver Reform, "Blended Sentencing," and the Law of Unintended Consequences2001/01/0127