Columbia Law Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Contracts, Elites, and Traditions in the Making of Corporate Law1989/11/0126
Of Property Rules, Coase, and Intellectual Property1994/12/0126
Precontractual Liability and Preliminary Agreements: Fair Dealing and Failed Negotiations1987/03/0126
The Judicial Reception of Multiple Regression Studies in Race and Sex Discrimination Cases1980/05/0126
Mission Impossible: Settling the Just Bounds between Church and State1997/12/0126
The Crisis in Antitrust1965/03/0126
Between Utility and Rights1979/06/0126
Slinging Arrows at Democracy: Social Choice Theory, Value Pluralism, and Democratic Politics1990/12/0125
Free Speech Justifications1989/01/0125
A Regulatory Competition Theory of Indeterminacy in Corporate Law1998/12/0125
Beyond Rape: An Essay on the Difference between the Presence of Force and the Absence of Consent1992/11/0125
Political Equality and Unintended Consequences1994/05/0124
Restitution in the Second "Restatement of Contracts"1981/01/0124
Corporate Governance, Agency Costs, and the Rhetoric of Contract1985/11/0124
The Berle-Dodd Dialogue on the Concept of the Corporation1964/12/0124
Lifetime Employment: Labor Peace and the Evolution of Japanese Corporate Governance1999/03/0124
Privacy and Behavioral Research1965/11/0124
Life's Work2000/11/0124
Interpretation and Legal Effect in the Second "Restatement of Contracts"1981/01/0124
Prosecutors and Their Agents, Agents and Their Prosecutors2003/05/0123
Extension of Monopoly Power through Leverage1985/04/0123
Safety and the Second Best: The Hazards of Public Risk Management in the Courts1985/03/0123
Privacy and Autonomy1974/12/0123
Reclaiming Environmental Law: A Normative Critique of Comparative Risk Analysis1992/04/0122
Race, Class, and Drugs1998/11/0122
Causal Apportionment in the Law of Torts: An Economic Theory1980/11/0122
Some Reflections on the Reading of Statutes1947/05/0122
Galileo's Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom1992/01/0122
The Privatization-Nationalization Cycle: The Link between Markets and Ethnicity in Developing Countries1995/03/0122
The Theory of Enterprise Entity1947/04/0122