The destructiveness of laissez-faire leadership behavior. | 2007/01/01 | English | 363 |
The source, nature, and direction of work and family conflict: A longitudinal investigation. | 1999/01/01 | English | 361 |
Emotion regulation in customer service roles: Testing a model of emotional labor. | 2003/01/01 | English | 335 |
The impact of lean production and related new systems of work organization on worker health. | 1999/01/01 | English | 329 |
Relationships among organizational family support, job autonomy, perceived control, and employee well-being. | 2006/01/01 | English | 327 |
Work-supportive family, family-supportive supervision, use of organizational benefits, and problem-focused coping: Implications for work-family conflict and employee well-being. | 2006/01/01 | English | 308 |
Mediators of change in emotion-focused and problem-focused worksite stress management interventions. | 2000/01/01 | English | 307 |
Advances in recovery research: What have we learned? What should be done next? | 2017/07/01 | English | 302 |
Effective and viable mind-body stress reduction in the workplace: A randomized controlled trial. | 2012/04/01 | English | 286 |
Sources of social support and burnout, job satisfaction, and productivity. | 2002/01/01 | English | 283 |
Working in the sky: A diary study on work engagement among flight attendants. | 2008/10/01 | English | 283 |
Display rules versus display autonomy: Emotion regulation, emotional exhaustion, and task performance in a call center simulation. | 2007/07/01 | English | 282 |
The moderating role of employee positive well being on the relation between job satisfaction and job performance. | 2007/04/01 | English | 282 |
Verbal abuse from outsiders versus insiders: Comparing frequency, impact on emotional exhaustion, and the role of emotional labor. | 2007/01/01 | English | 278 |
Links in the chain of adversity following job loss: How financial strain and loss of personal control lead to depression, impaired functioning, and poor health. | 2002/10/01 | English | 277 |
The cost of work-related stress to society: A systematic review. | 2018/01/01 | English | 277 |
Going to work ill: A meta-analysis of the correlates of presenteeism and a dual-path model. | 2016/07/01 | English | 270 |
Patterns and profiles of response to incivility in the workplace. | 2009/07/01 | English | 266 |
How rude! Emotional labor as a mediator between customer incivility and employee outcomes. | 2010/10/01 | English | 254 |
Workâfamily conflict, gender, and health-related outcomes: A study of employed parents in two community samples. | 1996/01/01 | English | 251 |
Raising voice, risking retaliation: Events following interpersonal mistreatment in the workplace. | 2003/10/01 | English | 249 |
Service with a smile: Do emotional intelligence, gender, and autonomy moderate the emotional labor process? | 2007/10/01 | English | 247 |
Recovery, Health, and Job Performance: Effects of Weekend Experiences. | 2005/01/01 | English | 243 |
Free to be you and me: A climate of authenticity alleviates burnout from emotional labor. | 2012/01/01 | English | 242 |
The effects of job insecurity on employee safety outcomes: Cross-sectional and longitudinal explorations. | 2001/01/01 | English | 239 |
The state of the heart: Emotional labor as emotion regulation reviewed and revised. | 2017/07/01 | English | 233 |
Divergent effects of transformational and passive leadership on employee safety. | 2006/01/01 | English | 233 |
Development and validation of a multidimensional scale of perceived work-family positive spillover. | 2006/07/01 | English | 233 |
Learning how to recover from job stress: Effects of a recovery training program on recovery, recovery-related self-efficacy, and well-being. | 2011/04/01 | English | 228 |
Relationships between work-home segmentation and psychological detachment from work: The role of communication technology use at home. | 2011/01/01 | English | 227 |