Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Interpersonal conflict at work and psychological outcomes: Testing a model among young workers.2000/01/01English226
Exploring the relationship between work-related rumination, sleep quality, and work-related fatigue.2012/01/01English215
Work and nonwork outcomes of workplace incivility: Does family support help?2011/01/01English213
Deriving benefits from stressful events: The role of engagement in meaningful work and hardiness.2001/01/01English212
Designing a safer workplace: Importance of job autonomy, communication quality, and supportive supervisors.2001/01/01English211
Please respond ASAP: Workplace telepressure and employee recovery.2015/04/01English210
Work strain, health, and absenteeism: A meta-analysis.2008/01/01English209
Work and personal life boundary management: Boundary strength, work/personal life balance, and the segmentation-integration continuum.2007/10/01English208
Emotional display rules as work unit norms: A multilevel analysis of emotional labor among nurses.2011/01/01English207
Organizational impact of workaholism: Suggestions for researching the negative outcomes of excessive work.1996/01/01English204
Behind closed doors: In-home workers' experience of sexual harassment and workplace violence.2001/01/01English201
The role of mindfulness and psychological capital on the well-being of leaders.2014/10/01English200
Stress and workload of men and women in high-ranking positions.1999/01/01English200
Why do employees worry about their jobs? A meta-analytic review of predictors of job insecurity.2014/01/01English198
The Impact of Job Characteristics on Work-to-Family Facilitation: Testing a Theory and Distinguishing a Construct.2005/01/01English197
Exposure to traumatic incidents and prevalence of posttraumatic stress symptomatology in urban firefighters in two countries.1999/01/01English197
Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: A review and directions for future research.2017/07/01English193
The Longitudinal Effects of Work-Family Conflict and Positive Spillover on Depressive Symptoms Among Dual-Earner Couples.2005/01/01English192
Reducing the adverse consequences of workplace aggression and violence: The buffering effects of organizational support.2003/01/01English191
Consequences of Boundary-Spanning Demands and Resources for Work-to-Family Conflict and Perceived Stress.2005/01/01English191
The Association Between Burnout, Depression, Anxiety, and Inflammation Biomarkers: C-Reactive Protein and Fibrinogen in Men and Women.2005/01/01English191
Perceived information and communication technology (ICT) demands on employee outcomes: The moderating effect of organizational ICT support.2012/10/01English190
Can counterproductive work behaviors be productive? CWB as emotion-focused coping.2010/04/01English189
Mindfulness on-the-go: Effects of a mindfulness meditation app on work stress and well-being.2019/02/01English189
The work-family interface and job performance: Moderating effects of conscientiousness and perceived organizational support.2006/01/01English186
Researching rudeness: The past, present, and future of the science of incivility.2017/07/01English185
Leadership Behavior and Subordinate Well-Being.2004/04/01English177
Workaholism and relationship quality: A spillover-crossover perspective.2009/01/01English177
Coworker incivility and incivility targets' work effort and counterproductive work behaviors: The moderating role of supervisor social support.2012/04/01English176
Customer incivility as a social stressor: The role of race and racial identity for service employees.2009/01/01English176