African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Plant Biodiversity and Malnutrition: Simple Solutions to Complex Problems2003/01/0113
Evaluation of nutritional quality of groundnut (<i>Arachis Hypogaea</i> L.) from Ghana.2008/06/1713
Efficacy of traditional maize (Zea mays L.) seed storage methods in western Kenya.2009/07/0113
Anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcerogenic effect of ethanol extract of coconut (<i>Cocos nucifera</i>) on experimental rats2010/12/1612
Effect of processing methods on nutrient retention and contribution of cassava (manihot spp) to nutrient intake of Nigerian consumers2010/04/0111
Effects of storage conditions and storage period on nutritional and other qualities of stored yam (<i>Dioscorea</i> spp) tubers2009/03/2711
Maize growth, yield and soil nutrient changes with N-enriched organic fertilizers2009/02/0211
Utilization of indigenous food plants in Uganda: A case study of south-western Uganda2011/11/0911
Complementary Feeding Practices And Nutrient Intake From Habitual Complementary Foods Of Infants And Children Aged 6-18 Months Old In Lusaka, Zambia2008/04/2311
Effect of groundnut flour substitution on yield, quality and storage stability of <i>kilishi</i>i – a Nigerian indigenous dried meat product2011/05/0310
Growth, yield and NPK uptake by maize with complementary organic and inorganic fertilizers.2010/04/2810
Accesibility to and consumption of indigenous vegetables and fruits by rural households in Matungu division, western Kenya.2009/12/0110
Microbiological, proximate analysis and sensory evaluation of baked product from blends of wheat-breadfruit flours.2008/06/1710
Feasibility and economic evaluation of low-cost evaporative cooling system in fruit and vegetables storage2010/10/1310
Prevalence of early childhood malnutrition and influencing factors in peri urban areas of Kabarole district, western Uganda2009/07/019
Assessment of anaemia and iron status of school age children (aged 7-12 years) in rural communities of Abia state, Nigeria2010/07/089
Thin layer drying kinetics of amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus) grains in a natural convection solar tent dryer.2010/04/289
Production Methods and Composition of Bushera: A Ugandan Traditional Fermented Cereal Beverage2003/01/019
Congenital malformations among newborns in Kenya2009/05/229
Genetic variability and heritability of grain yield components and grain mineral concentration in India's pearl millet (<i>Pennisetum glaucum</i> (L) R. Br.) accessions2011/05/269
Climate change impacts on cowpea productivity in Nigeria2010/04/289
Incidence of indicator organisms, opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria in fish2010/12/169
Pure water syndrome: Bacteriological quality of Sachet- packed drinking water sold in Nigeria2011/04/299
Chemical evaluation of winged beans (<i>Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus</i>), Pitanga cherries (<i>Eugenia uniflora) and orchid fruit (<i>Orchid fruit myristic</i>a)2011/11/099
Analysis of economic efficiency in cocoa production in Ghana2011/04/299
Effects of vegetable drying techniques on nutrient content: a case study of south-western Uganda2010/07/089
Nutrient content and acceptability of soybean based complementary food2010/02/199
Anaemia in the context of pregnancy and HIV/AIDS: A case of Pumwani Maternity Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya2009/03/278
Evaluating post harvest opportunities and constraints to utilization and marketing of African leafy vegetables in Cameroon2011/05/038