Frontiers of Computer Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A survey on ensemble learning2019/08/30English585
Binary relevance for multi-label learning: an overview2018/03/23English157
Prediction of urban human mobility using large-scale taxi traces and its applications2012/01/27English150
Scene text detection and recognition: recent advances and future trends2015/06/22English145
Big data challenge: a data management perspective2013/04/01English116
Exploiting multi-channels deep convolutional neural networks for multivariate time series classification2015/09/08English112
Runtime model based approach to IoT application development2015/06/06English88
MilkyWay-2 supercomputer: system and application2014/05/26English81
Remote heart rate measurement using low-cost RGB face video: a technical literature review2018/09/18English71
A retrospective of knowledge graphs2016/09/26English63
MR-DBSCAN: a scalable MapReduce-based DBSCAN algorithm for heavily skewed data2013/12/19English63
A survey of autoencoder-based recommender systems2019/08/30English62
Learnware: on the future of machine learning2016/06/07English61
DeepM6ASeq-EL: prediction of human N6-methyladenosine (m6A) sites with LSTM and ensemble learning2021/09/09English59
Training SVMs on a bound vectors set based on Fisher projection2014/07/31English57
A correlative denoising autoencoder to model social influence for top-N recommender system2019/12/07English57
Ethereum smart contract security research: survey and future research opportunities2020/10/02English57
Safe semi-supervised learning: a brief introduction2019/06/18English56
String similarity search and join: a survey2015/11/24English54
Virtual machine selection and placement for dynamic consolidation in Cloud computing environment2015/02/11English53
A survey of density based clustering algorithms2020/09/29English53
An efficient GPU-based parallel tabu search algorithm for hardware/software co-design2020/03/16English52
XGRouter: high-quality global router in X-architecture with particle swarm optimization2015/07/29English49
A hybrid multi-objective PSO algorithm with local search strategy for VLSI partitioning2014/02/20English45
VIPLFaceNet: an open source deep face recognition SDK2017/01/23English44
Lifelong machine learning: a paradigm for continuous learning2017/06/01English44
Evolutionary under-sampling based bagging ensemble method for imbalanced data classification2018/03/23English43
A parallel and robust object tracking approach synthesizing adaptive Bayesian learning and improved incremental subspace learning2019/06/17English42
A survey of RDF data management systems2016/04/22English39
Mathematical and computational approaches to epidemic modeling: a comprehensive review2015/10/01English38