Journal of Seismology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Accuracy of the master-event and double-difference locations: synthetic tests and application to seismicity in West Bohemia, Czech Republic2013/03/15English29
Ground-Motion Scaling in the Western Alps2006/10/10English28
Microseismic monitoring of columnar jointed basalt fracture activity: a trial at the Baihetan Hydropower Station, China2014/06/06English28
Design and implementation of a traffic light system for deep geothermal well stimulation in Finland2019/08/29English28
Uncertainty of moment tensor determination from surface wave analysis for shallow earthquakes2009/12/30English28
Rapid directivity detection by azimuthal amplitude spectra inversion2010/11/20English28
Seismicity at the convergent plate boundary offshore Crete, Greece, observed by an amphibian network2009/05/14English27
Seiscloud, a tool for density-based seismicity clustering and visualization2020/05/07English27
Seismic source characterization for the Shillong Plateau in Northeast India2017/05/22English27
Locations and magnitudes of earthquakes in Central Asia from seismic intensity data2013/10/31English27
Implications of salt-related propagation and mode conversion effects on the analysis of induced seismicity2012/06/29English27
Love wave contribution to the ambient vibration H/V amplitude peak observed with array measurements2010/04/27English27
Maximum magnitude estimation considering the regional rupture character2015/03/22English27
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard scenarios for India—a preventive tool for disaster mitigation2017/08/08English27
A first-order seismotectonic regionalization of Mexico for seismic hazard and risk estimation2017/06/04English27
Evidence for ground-rupturing earthquakes on the Northern Wadi Araba fault at the archaeological site of Qasr Tilah, Dead Sea Transform fault system, Jordan2006/11/08English27
A comparative study of the design spectra defined by Eurocode 8, UBC, IBC and Turkish Earthquake Code on R/C sample buildings2006/06/27English26
Sine-Gordon equation and its application to tectonic stress transfer2014/02/27English26
Geotechnical evaluation of slope and ground failures during the 8 October 2005 Muzaffarabad earthquake, Pakistan2009/03/10English26
Mechanical and statistical evidence of the causality of human-made mass shifts on the Earth’s upper crust and the occurrence of earthquakes2012/09/09English26
Seismicity in the block mountains between Halle and Leipzig, Central Germany: centroid moment tensors, ground motion simulation, and felt intensities of two M ≈ 3 earthquakes in 2015 and 20172018/05/16English26
Topography of the Moho and Conrad discontinuities in the Kyushu district, Southwest Japan2007/03/14English26
Ground-motion predictions in Shillong region, northeast India2012/02/24English25
Spatio-temporal properties and evolution of the 2013 Aigion earthquake swarm (Corinth Gulf, Greece)2015/12/16English25
A probabilistic approach for the classification of earthquakes as ‘triggered’ or ‘not triggered’2012/03/21English25
Seismic hazard assessment of the Province of Murcia (SE Spain): analysis of source contribution to hazard2007/10/02English25
Seismically reactivated Hattian slide in Kashmir, Northern Pakistan2008/05/14English25
Source study of two small earthquakes of Delhi, India, and estimation of ground motion from future moderate, local events2008/08/02English24
Intensity attenuation in the U.K.2005/01/01English24
Seismic swarms, fault plane solutions, and stress tensors for São Miguel Island central region (Azores)2012/02/08English24