Journal of Seismology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
23 October 2011 Van, Eastern Anatolia, earthquake (M W 7.1) and seismotectonics of Lake Van area2013/01/16English37
Green, yellow, red, or out of the blue? An assessment of Traffic Light Schemes to mitigate the impact of hydraulic fracturing-induced seismicity2020/10/28English36
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment in North Africa2013/06/21English36
Evaluation of the rockburst potential in longwall coal mining using passive seismic velocity tomography and image subtraction technique2017/03/24English36
Attenuation characteristics of Garwhal–Kumaun Himalayas from analysis of coda of local earthquakes2010/05/21English35
Strong ground-motion relations for Mexican interplate earthquakes2010/07/02English35
Attenuation of P, S, and coda waves in Koyna region, India2007/07/04English35
An automatic scheme for baseline correction of strong-motion records in coseismic deformation determination2009/08/21English34
Reappraised list of historical earthquakes that affected Israel and its close surroundings2016/04/16English34
Present-day seismicity, stress field and crustal deformation of Egypt2005/07/01English33
Probabilistic assessment of earthquake recurrence in the January 26, 2001 earthquake region of Gujrat, India2006/01/01English33
On the nature of intraplate earthquakes2016/04/29English33
The Djidjelli (Algeria) earthquakes of 21 and 22 August 1856 (I0 VIII, IX) and related tsunami effects Revisited2010/10/05English33
Estimation of coda wave attenuation in East Central Iran2008/09/03English32
Treatment of ground-motion predictive relationships for the reference seismic hazard map of Italy2005/07/01English32
An investigation of analysis of variance as a tool for exploring regional differences in strong ground motions2004/10/01English32
Attenuation of coda waves in the Northeastern Region of India2008/09/05English31
Double-difference relocation of earthquakes in central-western China, 1992–19992005/04/01English31
Earthquake chemical precursors in groundwater: a review2018/03/29English31
InSAR analysis of a blind thrust rupture and related active folding: the 1999 Ain Temouchent earthquake (M w 5.7, Algeria) case study2008/10/14English31
Estimation of Q p and Q s of Kinnaur Himalaya2013/10/02English31
On the effect of topography on surface wave propagation in the ambient noise frequency range2011/12/22English30
Lithospheric structure of NW Iran from P and S receiver functions2010/06/25English30
Truncation of the distribution of ground-motion residuals2007/12/17English29
Diversity of the 2014 Iquique’s foreshocks and aftershocks: clues about the complex rupture process of a Mw 8.1 earthquake2016/03/23English29
Earthquake dynamics on circular faults: a review 1970–20152016/06/01English29
The Spanish National Earthquake Catalogue: Evolution, precision and completeness2016/10/14English29
Mainshocks and aftershocks of the 2002 molise seismic sequence, southern Italy2005/10/01English29
Modelling methods of historic masonry buildings under seismic excitation2006/11/15English29