Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The effects of food deprivation and the time of the test on muricide in the Long-Evans rat1978/05/01English
A possible nonvisual function of the lateral geniculate nuclei in the white rat1977/01/01English
Formation and retention of conditioned taste aversions and UCS habituation1976/02/01English
The effect of response-contingent feedback stimuli under two types of avoidance extinction conditions1979/06/01English
Verbal learning and reinforcement: A reexamination of the Premack hypothesis1974/10/01English
A within-subject comparison of three response-elimination procedures in pigeons1975/09/01English
Changeover from unsignaled to signaled avoidance as a function of the changeover period duration1977/03/01English
A Monte Carlo investigation of four nonparametric multiple-comparison tests for k independent groups1978/01/01English
Strategies and the A-B, A-D design: Effects of instructions1976/01/01English
The role of workers’ effort and product in children’s reward allocation1977/01/01English
Paul Gold To Continue as Psychobiology Editor1993/03/01English
S. S. Stevens: The psychophysicist1975/09/01English
Shock intensity and conditioned defensive burying in rats1980/07/01English
Failure of spatial selectivity in vision1978/03/01English
Modification and avoidance of unmodifiable and unavoidable footshock1978/03/01English
Extended training: Delay of reward1977/02/01English
The effects of social context and size of injury on perceptions of a harm-doer and victim1977/01/01English
Effects of sound localization stimuli on eye-movement reaction time1978/02/01English
Transfer from recency learning to corresponding two-category classification learning1978/03/01English
Attitude similarity and attraction: The effects of the bogus pipeline1975/01/01English
The discrimination of vibratory patterns on a tactile matrix1978/01/01English
Metacontrast: Internal contours and different dependent variables1977/06/01English
Ear asymmetry and the temporal uncertainty of signals in sustained attention1976/05/01English
Spatial frequency masking of lateralized word recognition1993/06/01English
Further evidence of interaction between deprivation effects and stimulus control of responding: III1977/04/01English
Intelligence: Exact computation or biofunctional cognition1993/03/01English
Effects of food deprivation and competition on mouse killing in the rat1976/05/01English
Comprehensibility ratings of concrete and abstract sentences1978/01/01English
Pseudoavoidance responses in two-way avoidance learning1979/05/01English
Eye movements during visual search for artistically embedded targets1979/06/01English