Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Age, familiarity, imagery, pronunciability,and meaningfulness of verbal units of factual information1977/05/01English
Effects of pentobarbital on fixed-ratio discrimination1975/01/01English
Letter identification errors as a function of retinal input locus and positional variability1978/04/01English
Exploration and spontaneous activity in young rats1976/04/01English
Interresponse time analysis of behavioral interaction1976/07/01English
When do semantic orienting tasks hinder recall?1978/03/01English
Cued recall performance of unrelated word pairs is reduced by the presence of A-B, A-C items in the same list1977/02/01English
Effects of prenatal stress procedures on maternal corticosterone levels and behavior during gestation1978/02/01English
Dependence and thought as determinants of interpersonal hostility1974/10/01English
The role of hunger in schedule-induced polydipsia1976/06/01English
Status of unchosen objects in discrimination learning by monkeys1977/02/01English
Maskability of visual targets varying in brightness contrast1975/01/01English
The effects of olfactory bulb lesions on the maternal behavior of the mouse1977/01/01English
The preference-for-signaled-shock phenomenon: Fifty days with scrambled shock in the shuttlebox1976/02/01English
Guessing strategy constraints in the Bransford-Franks paradigm1977/03/01English
A developmental study of the speed of comprehension of printed sentences1977/04/01English
N-length shifts and successive contrast effects1978/02/01English
Balanced and polarized homographs in verbal discrimination learning1976/07/01English
Incentive preference as a function of water deprivation and locus of discriminative stimuli1977/06/01English
Colony differences and behavior in Long-Evans rats1976/06/01English
A reinterpretation of extinction in appetitive conditioning1974/10/01English
Comparing different models and response transformations in an information integration task1976/01/01English
Autoshaping the pigeon’s keypeck in a dark chamber1977/04/01English
Value change and the recall of earlier values1978/02/01English
Sex, iride pigmentation, and the pupillary attributions of college students to happy and angry faces1980/07/01English
A comparison of reversal and extradimensional shifts in Jordanian children1978/02/01English
Noise and context-dependent memory1984/08/01English
A factor-analytic study of items to measure forethought development in children and adolescents1984/08/01English
Spatial compatibility with a two-dimensional stimulus arrangement1984/08/01English
Depletive and repletive autoshaping schedules1984/08/01English