Journal of Algorithms

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On Linear-Time Deterministic Algorithms for Optimization Problems in Fixed Dimension1996/11/01English54
A Tight Analysis of the Greedy Algorithm for Set Cover1997/11/01English54
Lower bounds for algebraic decision trees1982/03/01English53
On two geometric problems related to the travelling salesman problem1984/06/01English53
The NP-completeness column: An ongoing guide1982/06/01English52
Approximation Algorithms for Maximization Problems Arising in Graph Partitioning2001/11/01English52
A Pedestrian Approach to Ray Shooting: Shoot a Ray, Take a Walk1995/05/01English52
A new proof for the first-fit decreasing bin-packing algorithm1985/03/01English51
Improved dynamic programming algorithms for bandwidth minimization and the MinCut Linear Arrangement problem1984/12/01English51
Approximating Clique and Biclique Problems1998/10/01English50
Approximating Maximum Leaf Spanning Trees in Almost Linear Time1998/10/01English50
Applications of Parametric Searching in Geometric Optimization1994/11/01English50
A Reliable Randomized Algorithm for the Closest-Pair Problem1997/10/01English49
A linear algorithm for a core of a tree1980/09/01English49
The Stable Roommates Problem with Ties2002/04/01English49
Shape from probing1987/03/01English48
The concave least-weight subsequence problem revisited1988/09/01English48
On the Diameter of the Pancake Network1997/10/01English48
Improved Approximation Algorithms for Uniform Connectivity Problems1996/09/01English48
Greedy Local Improvement and Weighted Set Packing Approximation2001/05/01English48
Recognition of Circle Graphs1994/03/01English47
On the Approximation of Maximum Satisfiability1994/11/01English47
Stability in circular arc graphs1988/09/01English47
Finding the convex hull facet by facet1985/03/01English47
3-coloring in time2005/02/01English46
On Markov Chains for Independent Sets2000/04/01English46
Efficient algorithms for a family of matroid intersection problems1984/03/01English45
Implementation of simultaneous memory address access in models that forbid it1983/03/01English45
A New Approximation Algorithm for the Steiner Tree Problem with Performance Ratio 5/32000/07/01English44
On Rotations and the Generation of Binary Trees1993/11/01English44