On parallel hashing and integer sorting | 1991/12/01 | English | |
Computing π(x): An analytic method | 1987/06/01 | English | |
On fast algorithms for two servers | 1991/12/01 | English | |
An algorithm for outerplanar graphs with parameter | 1991/12/01 | English | |
Self-organizing lists and independent references: A statistical synergy | 1991/12/01 | English | |
Author index for volume 12 | 1991/12/01 | English | |
Average case analysis of heap building by repeated insertion | 1991/03/01 | English | |
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues | 1988/09/01 | English | |
Two algorithms for the sieve method | 1991/03/01 | English | |
Gauss' algorithm revisited | 1991/12/01 | English | |
Efficient maintenance of the union of intervals on a line, with applications | 1991/03/01 | English | |
Algorithms finding tree-decompositions of graphs | 1991/03/01 | English | |
An improved algorithm for the planar 3-cut problem | 1991/03/01 | English | |
A probabilistic algorithm for computing Hough transforms | 1991/12/01 | English | |
Finding k points with minimum diameter and related problems | 1991/03/01 | English | |
Competitive paging algorithms | 1991/12/01 | English | |
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues | 1991/12/01 | English | |
A tighter upper bound on the worst case behavior of Conway's parallel sorting algorithm | 1988/09/01 | English | |
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues | 1987/06/01 | English | |
Approximation algorithms for partial covering problems*1 | 2004/05/01 | English | |
On external-memory MST, SSSP and multi-way planar graph separation*1 | 2004/05/01 | English | |
Editorial Board | 2004/08/01 | English | |
A probabilistic model for the degree of the cancellation polynomial in Gosper's algorithm | 2005/01/01 | English | |
Author index for volume 56 | 2005/08/01 | English | |
Editorial Board | 2006/02/01 | English | |
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues | 2006/02/01 | English | |
Author index for volume 58 | 2006/02/01 | English | |
Editorial Board | 2007/07/01 | English | |
Author index for volume 62 | 2007/07/01 | English | |
Editorial Board | 2007/04/01 | English | |