Journal of Algorithms

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Approximating Treewidth, Pathwidth, Frontsize, and Shortest Elimination Tree1995/03/01English110
Fast parallel and serial approximate string matching1989/06/01English109
Monte-Carlo approximation algorithms for enumeration problems1989/09/01English107
The Algorithmic Aspects of the Regularity Lemma1994/01/01English107
Efficient and Constructive Algorithms for the Pathwidth and Treewidth of Graphs1996/09/01English107
Efficiently Approximating the Minimum-Volume Bounding Box of a Point Set in Three Dimensions2001/01/01English104
NC-Approximation Schemes for NP- and PSPACE-Hard Problems for Geometric Graphs1998/02/01English99
A separator theorem for graphs of bounded genus1984/09/01English97
Factorizing words over an ordered alphabet1983/12/01English97
A simple parallel tree contraction algorithm1989/06/01English97
A Constructive Enumeration of Fullerenes1997/05/01English96
The graph genus problem is NP-complete1989/12/01English95
Analysis of a Local Search Heuristic for Facility Location Problems2000/10/01English94
A Polylogarithmic Approximation Algorithm for the Group Steiner Tree Problem2000/10/01English93
Finding nonseparating induced cycles and independent spanning trees in 3-connected graphs1988/12/01English91
Graph Sandwich Problems1995/11/01English89
Lowest common ancestors in trees and directed acyclic graphs2005/11/01English88
NP completeness of finding the chromatic index of regular graphs1983/03/01English88
Linear-time computation of optimal subgraphs of decomposable graphs1987/06/01English87
Algorithms for two bottleneck optimization problems1988/09/01English86
A Faster Algorithm for Finding the Minimum Cut in a Directed Graph1994/11/01English84
Finding the connected components and a maximum clique of an intersection graph of rectangles in the plane1983/12/01English81
Approximation algorithms for partial covering problems2004/10/01English79
Greedily Finding a Dense Subgraph2000/02/01English79
A algorithm for two-dimensional packing1981/12/01English77
NP-complete stable matching problems1990/06/01English77
How to Get a Perfectly Random Sample from a Generic Markov Chain and Generate a Random Spanning Tree of a Directed Graph1998/05/01English77
Parameterizing above Guaranteed Values: MaxSat and MaxCut1999/05/01English77
Approximations for minimum and min-max vehicle routing problems2006/04/01English76
A linear algorithm for determining the separation of convex polyhedra1985/09/01English76