Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Antagonist cocontraction of knee extensors during constant velocity muscle shortening and lengthening1995/09/01English
Comparative study of Mm. Multifidi in lumbar and thoracic spine2000/06/01English
Gender and muscle differences in EMG amplitude and median frequency, and variability during maximal voluntary contractions of the quadriceps femoris2000/06/01English
Central conduction studies in patients with spinal cord injury and other forms of myelopathy1995/09/01English
RE: The article entitled “Effect of footwear on intramuscular EMG activity of plantar flexor muscles in walking” by Péter, A., Arndt, A., Hegyi, A., Finni, T., Andersson, E., Alkjaer, T., Tarassova, O., Ronquist, G., Cronin, N2022/06/01English
Intramuscular EMG amplitudes do not necessarily diverge from surface EMG amplitudes over time. Response to Letter to the Editor2022/06/01English
Reduced plantar-flexors extensibility but improved selective motor control associated with age in young children with unilateral cerebral palsy and equinovalgus gait2022/08/01English
Editorial Board2023/06/01English
Trunk control in and out of an episode of recurrent low back pain in young adults during the Balance-Dexterity Task2023/08/01English
The effect of skilled motor training on corticomotor control of back muscles in different presentations of low back pain2023/08/01English
Impact of the contraction of medial forearm muscles during grip tasks in different forearm positions on medial support at the elbow joint2023/08/01English
Linear spectrum and non-linear complexity features of lumbar muscle surface electromyography between people with and without non-specific chronic low back pain during Biering-Sorensen test2023/04/01English
Accuracy and precision of simpler and lower-cost technologies to measure the initial lean angle, step length and step velocity for forward lean releases2022/12/01English
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Movement: A Workbook and Guide; Carla Z. Hinkle; Mosby-Year Book Inc. St. Louis, MO, 1997, 288 pages, 328 illustrations. $201999/12/01English
Progressive resistance training in neuromuscular patients. Effects on force and surface EMG1999/12/01English
The first Basmajian lecture1997/12/01English
Lower extremity muscle patterns and frontal plane biomechanics are altered in the contralateral knee of adults with osteoarthritis compared to asymptomatic adults2024/04/01English
An Electromyographic Study of Upper Limb Adduction Force with Varying Shoulder and Elbow Postures1998/06/01English
The size index as a motor unit identifier in electromyography examined by numerical calculation1999/04/01English
EMG variability during maximum voluntary isometric and anisometric contractions is reduced using spatial averaging1998/02/01English
Evaluation of EMG signals from rehabilitated patients with lower back pain using wavelets1998/08/01English
Post-tetanic potentiation of reciprocal Ia inhibition in human lower limb1999/01/01English
The effects of fatigue on the resultant joint moment, agonist and antagonist electromyographic activity at different angles during dynamic knee extension efforts1999/04/01English
Book review1998/10/01English
The shape of the membrane potential trajectory in tonically-active human motoneurons1995/01/01English
Velocity-dependent muscle strategy during plantarflexion in humans1996/12/01English
Computerized tomographical study of dorsal neck muscles for insertion of EMG wire electrodes1995/06/01English
Neuromuscular fatigue during maximal concurrent hand grip and elbow flexion or extension2001/08/01English
Control of Ia afferent input to triceps surae (soleus) locomotor nucleus precedes agonist muscle activation during gait1995/06/01English