Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Time-course analysis of stretch reflexes in hemiparetic subjects using an on-line spasticity measurement system2000/02/01English
Reduction in subluxation and improved muscle function of the hemiplegic shoulder joint after therapeutic electrical stimulation1999/10/01English
Relationship between torque and EMG activity of a knee extensor muscle during isokinetic concentric and eccentric actions1995/06/01English
An analysis of greyhound gait using wavelets1997/09/01English
Treadmill induced belt-accelerations may not accurately evoke the muscle responses to obstacle trips in older people2024/04/01English
Correspondence between the directional patterns of hip muscle activation and their mechanical action in man1997/06/01English
Dependence of average muscle fibre conduction velocity on voluntary contraction force1996/12/01English
Test of a new technique for the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome2000/04/01English
Short-latency stretch reflex modulation in response to varying soleus muscle activities2002/02/01English
The influence of stimulation frequency and ankle joint angle on the moment exerted by human dorsiflexor muscles2001/02/01English
MMG and EMG responses of the superficial quadriceps femoris muscles1999/04/01English
The relationships between movement-related cortical potentials and motor unit activity during muscle contraction1997/06/01English
Methods to reduce the variability of EMG power spectrum estimates1998/10/01English
The Effexts of Prior Antagonist Muscle Vibration on Performance of Rapid Movements1998/06/01English
Organization of responses in human lateral gastrocnemius muscle to specified body perturbations1998/02/01English
Variability of some SEMG parameter estimates with electrode location1998/10/01English
Contents of Related Journals1997/12/01
Activation of the VMO and VL during dynamic mini-squat exercises with and without isometric hip adduction2001/12/01English
Relative contributions of the long and short heads of the biceps brachii during single or dual isometric tasks1996/03/01English
Current topics in clinical FES in Japan1997/12/01English
Surface EMG recorded by branched electrodes during sustained muscle activity1999/08/01English
Impaired balance control in paraplegic subjects1997/06/01English
Upper trapezius muscle activity patterns during repetitive manual material handling and work with a computer mouse.1999/10/01English
Motor unit recruitment in the trapezius muscle with special reference to coarse arm movements2001/06/01English
Editorial Board2024/02/01English
The effects of biofeedback training for efficient activation of infraspinatus on proprioception and EMG activity during shoulder external rotation2023/08/01English
Editorial Board2023/02/01English
Upper limb H reflexes and somatosensory evoked potentials modulated by movement2000/06/01English
Editorial Board2023/08/01English