Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Quantifying ‘normal’ shoulder muscle activity during abduction2010/04/01English108
Short-term repeatability of parameters extracted from radial displacement of muscle belly2008/08/01English107
Effect of elbow joint angle on force–EMG relationships in human elbow flexor and extensor muscles2008/10/01English105
Rapid torque development in older female fallers and nonfallers: A comparison across lower-extremity muscles2010/06/01English104
Inhomogeneities in muscle activation reveal motor unit recruitment2005/04/01English104
Kinematic, kinetic and EMG patterns during downward squatting2008/02/01English104
Scapulothoracic muscle activity and recruitment timing in patients with shoulder impingement symptoms and glenohumeral instability2014/04/01English103
Muscle shear elastic modulus is linearly related to muscle torque over the entire range of isometric contraction intensity2015/08/01English103
Surface EMG: The issue of electrode location2009/10/01English101
Posture-movement changes following repetitive motion-induced shoulder muscle fatigue2009/12/01English101
The demands of stair descent relative to maximum capacities in elderly and young adults2008/04/01English101
Trunk muscle activation patterns during walking at different speeds2007/04/01English101
The effect of an on-body personal lift assist device (PLAD) on fatigue during a repetitive lifting task2009/04/01English101
Neuromuscular adaptation in experimental and clinical neck pain2008/04/01English100
Reliability of surface EMG during sustained contractions of the quadriceps2005/02/01English99
Stimulation at the cervicomedullary junction in human subjects2006/06/01English98
Goniometer measurement and computer analysis of wrist angles and movements applied to occupational repetitive work1996/03/01English98
Moment-angle relationship at lower limb joints during human walking at different velocities1996/09/01English97
A passive exoskeleton reduces peak and mean EMG during symmetric and asymmetric lifting2019/08/01English97
Interventions to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders2004/02/01English96
Gluteus medius: An intramuscular EMG investigation of anterior, middle and posterior segments during gait2013/08/01English95
Characterization of tissue stiffness of the infraspinatus, erector spinae, and gastrocnemius muscle using ultrasound shear wave elastography and superficial mechanical deformation2018/02/01English95
Selective activation of neuromuscular compartments within the human trapezius muscle2009/10/01English95
Knee flexor strength and bicep femoris electromyographical activity is lower in previously strained hamstrings2013/06/01English95
EMG normalization to study muscle activation in cycling2008/10/01English93
Interpreting principal components in biomechanics: Representative extremes and single component reconstruction2013/12/01English93
Precision of measurements of physical workload during standardised manual handling. Part II: Inclinometry of head, upper back, neck and upper arms2006/04/01English93
Comparison of hamstring neuromechanical properties between healthy males and females and the influence of musculotendinous stiffness2009/10/01English93
Advances in functional electrical stimulation (FES)2014/12/01English91
Patellar taping increases vastus medialis oblique activity in the presence of patellofemoral pain2004/08/01English91