Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Fatigability of the thenar muscles using electrical nerve stimulation with fixed stimuli count, while varying the frequency and duty cycle2023/12/01English
Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Checklist for reporting and critically appraising studies using EMG (CEDE-Check)English
Editorial Board2024/04/01English
The assessment of posture control in the elderly using the displacement of the center of pressure after forward platform translation2001/12/01English
An application of pattern recognition for the comparison of trunk muscles EMG waveforms between subjects with and without chronic low back pain during flexion–extension and lateral bending tasks2000/08/01English
A new technique for the selective recording of extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis EMG2000/08/01English
Stimulation frequency history alters length-force characteristics of fully recruited rat muscle1997/09/01English
Does methocarbamol affect fatigue markers in the low-back electromyogram?1998/09/01English
A test of a dual central pattern generator hypothesis for subcortical control of locomotion2000/08/01English
Special Editor Introduction2000/12/01English
Relation between differences in electromyographic adaptations during static contractions and the muscle function1999/08/01English
Differential control during maximal concentric and eccentric loading revealed by characteristics of the electromyogram2000/12/01English
Transcutaneous FES of the paralyzed quadriceps:2000/02/01English
The effects of a temporal warning signal on the biomechanical preparations for sudden loading1995/01/01English
Influence of contraction force and speed on muscle fiber conduction velocity during dynamic voluntary exercise2001/04/01English
Consistency of multi-channel surface EMG recordings: Application in spinal cord injured subjects1997/06/01English
The influence of voluntary upper body exercise on the performance of stimulated paralysed human quadriceps1997/03/01English
Discharge rate of selected motor units in human biceps brachii at different muscle lengths1998/10/01English
1998 ISEK Congress Keynote Lecture1998/09/01English
Electromyographic analysis of a human powered stepper cycle during seated and standing riding2001/12/01English
Reciprocal coactivation patterns of the medial and lateral quadriceps and hamstrings during slow, medium and high speed isokinetic movements2000/08/01English
Spectral profile of superficial cervical muscles2001/08/01English
The relationship between the soleus H-reflex amplitude and vibratory inhibition in controls and spastic subjects. II. Computer model1996/12/01English
EMG spectral characteristics of spinal muscles during isometric axial rotation1999/01/01English