Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: the epidemiologic evidence and the debate2004/02/01English821
How should we normalize electromyograms obtained from healthy participants? What we have learned from over 25years of research2010/12/01English398
Review of enigmatic MTrPs as a common cause of enigmatic musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction2004/02/01English361
Myoelectric signal processing for control of powered limb prostheses2006/12/01English327
Elimination of electrocardiogram contamination from electromyogram signals: An evaluation of currently used removal techniques2006/04/01English263
The effects of taping on scapular kinematics and muscle performance in baseball players with shoulder impingement syndrome2009/12/01English249
Reliability of EMG measurements for trunk muscles during maximal and sub-maximal voluntary isometric contractions in healthy controls and CLBP patients2004/06/01English238
Pathophysiology of upper extremity muscle disorders2006/02/01English223
Development of recommendations for SEMG sensors and sensor placement procedures2000/10/01English214
Differences in lower-extremity muscular activation during walking between healthy older and young adults2009/12/01English214
Methodological aspects of SEMG recordings for force estimation – A tutorial and review2010/06/01English213
MVC techniques to normalize trunk muscle EMG in healthy women2010/02/01English201
Normalization procedures using maximum voluntary isometric contractions for the serratus anterior and trapezius muscles during surface EMG analysis2005/08/01English199
Pain and motor control: From the laboratory to rehabilitation2011/04/01English195
Can muscle coordination be precisely studied by surface electromyography?2011/02/01English189
Fatigue of the plantar intrinsic foot muscles increases navicular drop2008/06/01English187
The role of anticipatory postural adjustments in compensatory control of posture: 1. Electromyographic analysis2010/06/01English183
Electromyographic analysis of pedaling: A review2009/04/01English183
Analysis of motor units with high-density surface electromyography2008/12/01English178
The change in spatial distribution of upper trapezius muscle activity is correlated to contraction duration2008/02/01English177
Neuromuscular alterations during walking in persons with moderate knee osteoarthritis2006/08/01English175
A study of various normalization procedures for within day electromyographic data1994/01/01English173
Clinical applications of high-density surface EMG: A systematic review2006/12/01English167
Head and shoulder posture affect scapular mechanics and muscle activity in overhead tasks2010/08/01English164
Electromyographic models to assess muscle fatigue2012/08/01English159
Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Amplitude normalization matrix2020/08/01English157
Surface and wire EMG crosstalk in neighbouring muscles1994/01/01English155
The morphology of the medial gastrocnemius in typically developing children and children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy2007/12/01English149
Epidemiology of musculoskeletal disorders among computer users: lesson learned from the role of posture and keyboard use2004/02/01English149
Functional electrical stimulation cycling improves body composition, metabolic and neural factors in persons with spinal cord injury2009/08/01English148