
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Superstitious Confabulations2018/12/14English11
The Vices of Argument2015/09/12English11
The Role of Disgust in Norms, and of Norms in Disgust Research: Why Liberals Shouldn’t be Morally Disgusted by Moral Disgust2014/02/06English11
Events and the Ontology of Quantum Mechanics2015/03/08English11
Simplifying with Free Choice2017/02/28English10
ProAna Worlds: Affectivity and Echo Chambers Online2021/12/12English10
A Difference of Some Consequence Between Conventions and Rules2008/07/01English10
Beliefs in conditionals vs. conditional beliefs2007/03/01English10
A Comprehensive Definition of Illocutionary Silencing2020/04/12English10
Perceiving Potentiality: A Metaphysics for Affordances2018/12/04English10
Primary Intersubjectivity: Empathy, Affective Reversibility, ‘Self-Affection’ and the Primordial ‘We’2013/10/02English10
Proof-Theoretic Semantics, Self-Contradiction, and the Format of Deductive Reasoning2012/03/31English10
African American Dance - Philosophy, Aesthetics, and ‘Beauty’2005/01/01English10
Aristotelian Causation and Neural Correlates of Consciousness2018/10/20English10
Introduction: Moral Enhancement2019/02/08English10
The Antinomies of Serendipity How to Cognitively Frame Serendipity for Scientific Discoveries2018/06/02English10
The Revolution will not be Optimised: Radical Enactivism, Extended Functionalism and the Extensive Mind2015/10/20English10
Goal Slippage: A Mechanism for Spontaneous Instrumental Helping in Infancy?2017/04/21English10
The Role of Ancient DNA Research in Archaeology2019/07/25English9
Symptoms of Expertise: Knowledge, Understanding and Other Cognitive Goods2016/10/24English9
Playing By and With the Rules: Norms and Morality in Play Development2005/09/01English9
The Well- and Unwell-Being of a Child2013/05/05English9
Information Channels and Biomarkers of Disease2013/12/20English9
Mindshaping, Enactivism, and Ideological Oppression2021/10/11English9
Health and Illness as Enacted Phenomena2021/05/19English9
The Innateness Hypothesis and Mathematical Concepts2009/12/13English9
Objectifying Uncertainty: History of Risk Concepts in Medicine2004/09/01English9
Regulation, Normativity and Folk Psychology2017/11/23English9
On the Priority of Agent-Based Argumentative Norms2015/02/06English9
Tense and the Psychology of Relief2013/12/13English9