Educational Studies in Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Student Views of Computer-Based Mathematics in the Middle Years: Does Gender Make a Difference?2004/01/01English
Semantic and Syntactic Proof Productions2004/01/01English
The reality and potential of correcting pupils' work in mathematics1987/08/01French
Sur l'enseignement de la relation transitive a l'ecole elementaire1981/02/01French
A cautionary note1987/08/01English
Relationships between mathematics achievement and various English language proficiencies1981/02/01English
Aspects of proving: A clinical investigation of process1981/02/01English
Use of situations in mathematics education1981/02/01English
Guest editorial1987/08/01English
Roos and Jos�, two children in a mixed ability group1987/08/01English
Teacher student interaction: A case study1987/08/01English
A problem-oriented mathematical optimization course1977/10/01English
Computational estimation for numeracy1984/02/01English
Response to ?a cautionary note?1987/08/01English
Rationalising teaching interventions?A working model of a process of research in mathematics teaching1977/10/01English
From failure to success: Changing the experience of adult learners of mathematics1987/08/01English
Book reviews1987/08/01English
References of speech acts as characteristics of mathematical classroom conversation1981/02/01English
Seventy five years of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction1984/02/01English
On children's quantitative understanding of numbers1977/10/01English
Geometry in English secondary schools1981/02/01English
Math�matique et affectivit�1977/10/01French
On difficulties with fractions1981/02/01English
Book reviews1984/02/01English
Recherche sur les difficult�s occasionn�es chez les �tudiants par les notations avec indices et par le signe ??? en math�matiques1977/10/01French
Does the teaching of probability improve probabilistic intuitions?1984/02/01English
Mathematical induction in the classroom: Didactical and mathematical issues1978/11/01English
An investigation of young children's understanding of multiplication1989/11/01English