Wärme- und Stoffübertragung

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Heat transfer characteristics of a continuous stretching surface1994/03/01English6
Unsteady mixed convection flow in stagnation region adjacent to a vertical surface1991/03/01English5
The flow in a narrow duct with an indentation or hump on one wall1990/03/01English2
Natural convection in vertical cavities with internal heat generating porous medium1992/03/01English2
Heat transfer by Hagen-Poiseuille flow in the thermal development region with axial conduction1968/09/01English2
Effective thermal conductivity of dispersed materials1980/03/01English2
Measurements of the thermal conductivity of gases and gas mixtures, methods and results1972/03/01English2
Natural convection of non-Newtonian fluids in a horizontal porous layer1994/01/01English2
Natural convection in rectangular enclosures with partial heating and cooling1994/09/01English2
Forced convection heat transfer from a flat-plate model collector on roof of a model house1993/03/01English1
Heat transfer in a hydromagnetic flow over a stretching sheet1994/09/01English1
Two-dimensional performance of convecting-radiating fins of different profile shapes1993/08/01English1
Combined forced and natural convection in laminar film flow1994/07/01English1
Wärmeleitung beim Erstarren geometrisch einfacher Körper1974/12/01German1
MHD flow and heat transfer over a stretching surface with prescribed wall temperature or heat flux1990/11/01English1
Predictions on momentum, heat and mass transfer in turbulent channel flow with the aid of a boundary layer growth-breakdown model1969/06/01English1
The motion of gas bubbles rising through stagnant liquid1969/06/01English1
Neue Bestimmung des kritischen Punktes von leichtem und schwerem Wasser1969/03/01German1
Boiling heat transfer performance of plain and porous tubes in falling film flow of refrigerant R1141987/11/01English1
Wirkungsgrade in der Welt des Lebens und der Technik1987/03/01German1
Mixed convection in the presence of horizontal impermeable surfaces in saturated porous media with variable permeability1985/09/01English1
Combined influence of Hall effect, ion slip, viscous dissipation and Joule heating on MHD heat transfer in a channel1975/09/01English1
Experimentelle Bestimmung von Diffusionskoeffizienten in den gasförmigen Systemen He-CH4, He-N2 und CH4-N21973/09/01German1
Heat transfer in flow past a continuous moving plate with variable temperature1980/06/01English1
A experimental investigation of turbulent flow and heat transfer in elliptical duets1973/06/01English1
Transient laminar natural convection in a partitioned enclosure heated by uniform flux1990/07/01English1
The cooling of a low-heat-resistance stretching sheet moving through a fluid: A rejoinder1983/12/01English1
Oberflächenspannung von leichtem und schwerem Wasser1980/12/01German1
The mechanism of drop formation from gas or vapour bubbles1968/06/01English1
Analysis of laminar flow forced convection heat transfer in the entrance region of a circular pipe1969/12/01English1