Neue Bestimmung des kritischen Punktes von leichtem und schwerem Wasser

Article Properties
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Vapor Pressure and Critical Constants of D2O1 Journal of the American Chemical Society
  • Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy
  • Science: Chemistry: Analytical chemistry
  • Science: Chemistry
14 1956
Schmidt, E., u.W. Thomas: Präzisionsbestimmung des kritischen Punktes von Kohlensäure und Äthan durch Messung der Lichtbrechung. Forschg. Ing. Wes. Bd. 20 (1954) Nr. 6, S. 161/170. 1954
Holborn, L. u.A. Baumann: Über den Sättigungsdruck des Wasserdampfes oberhalb 200 °C. Ann. Phys. Bd. 31 (1910) H. 4, S. 945/970. Annales de Physique 1910
Thomas, D.: Blasen- und Filmverdampfung bei Wasser unter atmosphärischem Druck und in der Nähe des kritischen Punktes. BWK Bd. 19 (1967) S. 14/19. BWK ENERGIE. 1967
Heitmann, H. G.: Die Löslichkeit von Kieselsäure in Wasser und Wasserdampf. Glastechn. Ber. Bd. 38 (1965) S. 41/54. 1965
Refrences Analysis
The category Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy 2 is the most frequently represented among the references in this article. It primarily includes studies from Annales de Physique and Journal of the American Chemical Society. The chart below illustrates the number of referenced publications per year.
Refrences used by this article by year
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
A Reference Equation of State for Heavy Water

Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
  • Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy
  • Science: Chemistry: Physical and theoretical chemistry
  • Science: Physics
  • Science: Physics
48 2018
Citations Analysis
The category Science: Chemistry: General. Including alchemy 1 is the most commonly referenced area in studies that cite this article. The first research to cite this article was titled A Reference Equation of State for Heavy Water and was published in 2018. The most recent citation comes from a 2018 study titled A Reference Equation of State for Heavy Water. This article reached its peak citation in 2018, with 1 citations. It has been cited in 1 different journals. Among related journals, the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data cited this research the most, with 1 citations. The chart below illustrates the annual citation trends for this article.
Citations used this article by year