Schmollers Jahrbuch

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Neighbourhood Effects and the Welfare State. Towards a European Research Agenda?2008/03/01English7
Schein oder Sein: Bildungsdisparitäten in der europäischen Statistik. Eine Illustration am Beispiel Deutschlands2008/12/01English7
Fortschritte und Herausforderungen der informationellen Infrastruktur in Deutschland2008/12/01English7
Der gesetzliche Mindestlohn in Deutschland: Einsichten und Handlungsempfehlungen aus der Evaluationsforschung2014/06/01English7
Estimated Capital Stock Values for German Manufacturing Enterprises Covered by the Cost Structure Surveys2010/07/01English7
Betting on a Long Life – the Role of Subjective Life Expectancy in the Demand for Private Pension Insurance of German Households2012/04/01English7
Noncognitive Skills, School Achievements and Educational Dropout2011/10/01English7
Labour Market Outcomes of Spatially Mobile Coupled Women: Why is the locational context important?2009/04/01English6
Adaptation to Income Over Time: A Weak Point of Subjective Well-Being2009/04/01English6
Destabilization and Destandardization: For Whom? The Development of West German Job Mobility since 19842011/07/01English6
The German Business Services Statistics Panel 2003 to 20072009/07/01English6
Ziele, Wirkungsweise und Steueraufkommen der neuen Zinsschranke2009/07/01English6
Volunteering, Match Quality, and Internet Use2016/06/01English6
On the Importance of Correcting Reported End Dates of Labor Market Programs2008/06/01English6
An Overview on the Linked Employer-Employee Data of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB)2014/01/01English6
The Research Potential of New Types of Enterprise Data based on Surveys from Official Statistics in Germany2010/01/01English6
Ownership Patterns and Enterprise Groups in German Structural Business Statistics2011/10/01English6
Educational Effects of Alternative Secondary School Tracking Regimes in Germany2008/08/01English6
The German Structure of Earnings Survey: Methodology, Data Access and Research Potential2008/08/01English5
Employment Biographies of the German Baby Boomer Generation2012/04/01English5
Preisrigidität bei Lebensmitteln2014/01/01English5
Hospital Market Concentration and Discrimination of Patients2013/09/01English5
Older Babies – More Active Mothers? How Maternal Labor Supply Changes as the Child Grows2009/04/01English5
Kreditvergabe durch Genossenschaftsbanken, Kreditbanken und Sparkassen: Eine empirische Analyse von Förderkrediten für junge, kleine Unternehmen2009/02/01English5
Linkage of Ifo Survey and Balance-Sheet Data: The EBDC Business Expectations Panel & the EBDC Business Investment Panel2010/10/01English5
Does a Smoking Ban Reduce Smoking? Evidence from Germany2011/07/01English5
A Physician Fee that Applies to Acute but not to Preventive Care: Evidence from a German Deductible Program2008/06/01English5
Wer und was bestimmen die Zuschauerzahlen in der Fußballbundesliga?2008/06/01English5
Das Altersvorsorge-Verhalten von Selbständigen – eine Analyse auf Basis der SAVE-Daten2010/04/01English5
Couples’ Strategies after Job Loss in West Germany and the United States – The Added Worker Effect and Linked Life Courses2015/03/01English5