Schmollers Jahrbuch

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The German Ageing Survey (DEAS) – A Longitudinal and Time-Series Study of People in the Second Half of Life2013/01/01English15
The KfW / ZEW Start-up Panel: Design and Research Potential2010/01/01English15
Keeping up with the Schmidt's – An Empirical Test of Relative Deprivation Theory in the Neighbourhood Context2008/03/01English14
The Data Sets of the LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center – A Guide for Researchers2012/10/01English14
Who is Targeted by One-Euro-Jobs? A Selectivity Analysis2009/10/01English13
The Introduction of a Short-Term Earnings-Related Parental Leave Benefit System and Differential Effects on Employment Intentions2011/07/01English13
Saving and Old Age Provision in Germany (SAVE): Design and Enhancements2013/01/01English12
Subjective Well-Being and Air Quality in Germany2013/06/01English12
Agglomeration, Spatial Interaction and Convergence in the EU2008/08/01English11
The Heterogeneous Economic Consequences of Works Council Relations2011/06/01English11
Effectiveness of Further Vocational Training in Germany – Empirical Findings for Persons Receiving Means-tested Unemployment Benefits2012/10/01English11
Satisfaction with Life and Economic Well-Being: Evidence from Germany2009/04/01English11
Determinanten kindlicher Geduld – Ergebnisse einer Experimentalstudie im Haushaltskontext2010/07/01English11
The Deutsche Bundesbank's Prudential Database (BAKIS)2008/06/01English10
Living Standards in Retirement: Accepted International Comparisons are Misleading2009/04/01English10
Schneller fertig, aber weniger Freizeit? – Eine Evaluation der Wirkungen der verkürzten Gymnasialschulzeit auf die außerschulischen Aktivitäten der Schülerinnen und Schüler2015/09/01English10
Institutionelle Eigenschaften von Berufen und ihr Einfluss auf berufliche Mobilität in Deutschland2015/09/01English9
Family Determinants of the Changing Gender Gap in Educational Attainment: A Comparison of the U.S. and Germany2009/04/01English9
Which One to Choose? Evidence on the Choice and Success of Job Search Methods2010/10/01English9
A Survey of Commercial Cattle Farmers in Semi-arid Rangelands of Namibia on Risk, Management and Sustainability2012/07/01English9
Employed But Still Unhappy? On the Relevance of the Social Work Norm2012/01/01English8
ALWA-ADIAB – Linked Individual Survey and Administrative Data for Substantive and Methodological Research2012/01/01English8
One-third Codetermination at Company Supervisory Boards and Firm Performance in German Manufacturing Industries: First Direct Evidence from a New Type of Enterprise Data2011/06/01English8
Multilinks Database on Intergenerational Policy Indicators2012/07/01English8
Is a Temporary Job Better Than Unemployment? A Cross-country Comparison Based on British, German, and Swiss Panel Data2013/06/01English8
Returns to Regional Migration: Causal Effect or Selection on Wage Growth?2013/06/01English8
Weiterbildungsbeteiligung ausgewählter Personengruppen2008/08/01English8
On the Definition of Unemployment and its Implementation in Register Data – The Case of Germany2008/08/01English8
Individual Religiosity, Religious Context, and the Creation of Social Trust in Germany2009/04/01English8
The Changing Wage Distribution in Germany between 1985 and 20062009/04/01English8