News Media as a “Journalistic Field”: What Bourdieu Adds to New Institutionalism, and Vice Versa | 2006/07/01 | English | 173 |
Digital Network Repertoires and Organizational Hybridity | 2007/08/06 | English | 169 |
Any Good News in Soft News? The Impact of Soft News Preference on Political Knowledge | 2003/04/01 | English | 168 |
Increasing Political Sophistication Through Public Deliberation | 1999/02/01 | English | 164 |
Values, Communication Behavior, and Political Participation | 2001/07/01 | English | 152 |
From Top-Down to Trickle-Up Influence: Revisiting Assumptions About the Family in Political Socialization | 2002/07/01 | English | 150 |
Political Polarization on the Digital Sphere: A Cross-platform, Over-time Analysis of Interactional, Positional, and Affective Polarization on Social Media | 2020/07/14 | English | 149 |
Assessing the Democratic Debate: How the News Media Frame Elite Policy Discourse | 2001/04/01 | English | 148 |
Investigating Frame Strength: The Case of Episodic and Thematic Frames | 2011/04/28 | English | 145 |
Defining Misinformation and Understanding its Bounded Nature: Using Expertise and Evidence for Describing Misinformation | 2020/01/02 | English | 144 |
Media Matter: How Newspapers and Television News Cover Campaigns and Influence Voters | 2005/10/01 | English | 143 |
Freezing out the public: Elite and media framing of the U.S. anti-nuclear movement | 1993/01/01 | English | 143 |
“She Brought Only a Skirt”: Print Media Coverage of Elizabeth Dole's Bid for the Republican Presidential Nomination | 2005/07/01 | English | 142 |
Argument Repertoire as a Reliable and Valid Measure of Opinion Quality: Electronic Dialogue During Campaign 2000 | 2002/01/01 | English | 141 |
The Coevolution of Networks and Political Attitudes | 2010/08/04 | English | 139 |
Understanding the Relationship Between Communication and Political Knowledge: A Model Comparison Approach Using Panel Data | 2005/10/01 | English | 136 |
Technology Firms Shape Political Communication: The Work of Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, and Google With Campaigns During the 2016 U.S. Presidential Cycle | 2017/10/26 | English | 133 |
Contestable categories and public opinion | 1993/01/01 | English | 131 |
Game-Framing the Issues: Tracking the Strategy Frame in Public Policy News | 2000/04/01 | English | 131 |
A Spiral of Cynicism for Some: The Contingent Effects of Campaign News Frames on Participation and Confidence in Government | 2001/10/01 | English | 130 |
Gatekeeping, Indexing, and Live-Event News: Is Technology Altering the Construction of News? | 2003/10/01 | English | 125 |
Ties, Likes, and Tweets: Using Strong and Weak Ties to Explain Differences in Protest Participation Across Facebook and Twitter Use | 2017/08/04 | English | 125 |
The New Personal Influence: How Our Facebook Friends Influence the News We Read | 2017/05/23 | English | 124 |
How Quickly We Forget: The Duration of Persuasion Effects From Mass Communication | 2013/10/01 | English | 124 |
Learning about Politics from the Mass Media | 1997/10/01 | English | 123 |
Agenda setting and political advertising: Origins of the news agenda | 1994/07/01 | English | 122 |
In Their Own Words: Political Practitioner Accounts of Candidates, Audiences, Affordances, Genres, and Timing in Strategic Social Media Use | 2017/10/20 | English | 122 |
The Internet and Citizen Communication With Government: Does the Medium Matter? | 1999/11/01 | English | 119 |
The intersection of race and crime in television news stories: An experimental study | 1996/07/01 | English | 118 |
Race and Public Deliberation | 2000/04/01 | English | 116 |