How Trump Drove Coverage to the Nomination: Hybrid Media Campaigning | 2016/09/08 | English | 116 |
An introduction to journalism norms and representations of politics | 1996/10/01 | English | 115 |
Government's little helper: U.S. press coverage of foreign policy crises, 1945–1991 | 1996/10/01 | English | 114 |
A Failure to Communicate: Agenda Setting in Media and Policy Studies | 2013/04/01 | English | 113 |
Designing Web Technologies for Local Governance Reform: Good Management or Good Democracy? | 2000/01/01 | English | 111 |
Effects of Election News Coverage: How Visibility and Tone Influence Party Choice | 2010/10/29 | English | 110 |
Stimulating or Reinforcing Political Interest: Using Panel Data to Examine Reciprocal Effects Between News Media and Political Interest | 2011/04/28 | English | 110 |
Building Consensus: The News Media's Agenda-Setting Roles | 1997/10/01 | English | 109 |
Political Fact-Checking on Twitter: When Do Corrections Have an Effect? | 2017/09/05 | English | 107 |
Partisan Media Exposure and Attitudes Toward the Opposition | 2013/10/01 | English | 106 |
Issue Ownership Stability and Change: How Political Parties Claim and Maintain Issues Through Media Appearances | 2009/05/11 | English | 106 |
The CNN Effect: The Search for a Communication Theory of International Relations | 2005/02/16 | English | 105 |
Ten Years After Comparing Media Systems: What Have We Learned? | 2016/10/31 | English | 104 |
Moments of Zen: Effects ofThe Daily Showon Information Seeking and Political Learning | 2009/07/31 | English | 103 |
The Making of the (Issues of the) Vlaams Blok | 2004/10/01 | English | 103 |
The Friendly Media Phenomenon: A Cross-National Analysis of Cross-Cutting Exposure | 2011/02/09 | English | 102 |
How the Media Shape Perceptions of Right-Wing Populist Leaders | 2011/04/28 | English | 100 |
Trust, Civic Engagement, and the Internet | 2004/04/01 | English | 98 |
Mediated Public Diplomacy: A Strategic Contest over International Agenda Building and Frame Building | 2009/10/30 | English | 96 |
A Picture Paints a Thousand Lies? The Effects and Mechanisms of Multimodal Disinformation and Rebuttals Disseminated via Social Media | 2020/02/05 | English | 96 |
Political Astroturfing on Twitter: How to Coordinate a Disinformation Campaign | 2019/10/26 | English | 94 |
Media Logic and Political Communication | 2004/07/01 | English | 94 |
Predicting Deliberative Conversation: The Impact of Discussion Networks, Media Use, and Political Cognitions | 2006/12/01 | English | 94 |
The Practice of Deliberative Democracy: A Study of 16 Deliberative Organizations | 2002/07/01 | English | 94 |
Agenda-Setting and Priming in Prime Time Television: Crime Dramas as Political Cues | 2005/07/01 | English | 93 |
The Study of Information Technology and Civic Engagement | 2000/10/01 | English | 92 |
Mistrust, Disinforming News, and Vote Choice: A Panel Survey on the Origins and Consequences of Believing Disinformation in the 2017 German Parliamentary Election | 2020/01/01 | English | 92 |
U.S. National Identity, Political Elites, and a Patriotic Press Following September 11 | 2004/01/01 | English | 90 |
The restless searchlight: Network news framing of the post‐Cold War world | 1995/10/01 | English | 89 |
The Political Significance of Social Media Activity and Social Networks | 2018/02/05 | English | 88 |