Political Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Changing Nature of Political Debate Consumption: Social Media, Multitasking, and Knowledge Acquisition2016/04/19English43
A Call to Contextualize Public Opinion-Based Research in Political Communication2019/10/02English43
Self-Interest and Attention to News Among Issue Publics2013/07/01English43
Do Women and Men in Congress Cultivate Different Images? Evidence from Congressional Web Sites2001/10/01English43
Three Prompts for Collective Action in the Context of Digital Media2016/10/26English43
The Impact of Political Sophistication and Motivated Reasoning on Misinformation2020/05/06English42
Bargaining Through Arguing: An Empirical Analysis Based on Speech Act Theory2004/04/01English42
What Makes Party Messages Fit for Reporting? An Experimental Study of Journalistic News Selection2015/04/20English42
Political Network Size and Its Antecedents and Consequences2013/07/01English42
How Measurement Error in Content Analysis and Self-Reported Media Use Leads to Minimal Media Effect Findings in Linkage Analyses: A Simulation Study2016/10/31English42
Members of Parliament: Equal Competitors for Media Attention? An Analysis of Personal Contacts Between MPs and Political Journalists in Five European Countries2010/08/04English42
All News is Bad News: Newspaper Coverage of Political Parties in Spain2015/02/04English42
Intramedia Mediation: The Cumulative and Complementary Effects of News Media Use2005/10/01English42
Predicting Political Discussion in a Censored Virtual Environment2011/07/01English41
Communication and Political Socialization: Challenges and Opportunities for Research2009/02/04English41
(Re)Claiming Our Expertise: Parsing Large Text Corpora With Manually Validated and Organic Dictionaries2018/11/07English41
The Structure of Communication Networks Matters: How Network Diversity, Centrality, and Context Influence Political Ambivalence, Participation, and Knowledge2015/01/02English40
Sourcing and Automation of Political News and Information over Social Media in the United States, 2016-20182019/10/26English40
The Citizen-Consumer: Media Effects at the Intersection of Consumer and Civic Culture2004/07/01English40
Television Channel Content Profiles and Differential Knowledge Growth: A Test of the Inadvertent Learning Hypothesis Using Panel Data2015/03/16English40
Framing national security: Elite public discourse on nuclear weapons during the cold war1995/04/01English40
Should Women Emote? Perceptual Bias and Opinion Change in Response to Political Ads for Candidates of Different Genders1997/01/01English39
Informational Cues, Partisan-Motivated Reasoning, and the Manipulation of Conspiracy Beliefs2018/10/01English39
Elite Polarization and Public Opinion: How Polarization Is Communicated and Its Effects2015/08/26English38
Making the International Local: The Terrorist Attack on the USS Cole, Local Casualties, and Media Coverage2004/04/01English38
Weighted Content Analysis of Political Advertisements2001/07/01English38
The Myths of Data-Driven Campaigning2017/10/02English38
Out of the Theaters and Into the Streets: A Coalition Model of the Political Impact of Documentary Film and Video2004/01/01English37
Why Don’t We Learn from Social Media? Studying Effects of and Mechanisms behind Social Media News Use on General Surveillance Political Knowledge2020/07/07English37
Acclaiming, Attacking, and Defending: A Functional Analysis of U.S. Nominating Convention Keynote Speeches2000/01/01English37