IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Neural net robot controller with guaranteed tracking performance1995/05/01271
Gradient methods for the optimization of dynamical systems containing neural networks1991/03/01269
Pattern recognition via synchronization in phase-locked loop neural networks2000/05/01264
Neural-network methods for boundary value problems with irregular boundaries2000/01/01262
A simple procedure for pruning back-propagation trained neural networks1990/06/01261
A clustering technique for digital communications channel equalization using radial basis function networks1993/07/01259
A comparison of neural network and fuzzy clustering techniques in segmenting magnetic resonance images of the brain1992/01/01255
Gradient calculations for dynamic recurrent neural networks: a survey1995/01/01253
Curvilinear component analysis: a self-organizing neural network for nonlinear mapping of data sets1997/01/01250
Capabilities of a four-layered feedforward neural network: four layers versus three1997/03/01241
Financial time series prediction using least squares support vector machines within the evidence framework2001/07/01241
Face recognition using the nearest feature line method1999/03/01234
PCNN models and applications1999/05/01233
Probabilistic neural networks and the polynomial Adaline as complementary techniques for classification1990/03/01227
Are artificial neural networks black boxes?1997/09/01226
Constructive algorithms for structure learning in feedforward neural networks for regression problems1997/05/01224
Rival penalized competitive learning for clustering analysis, RBF net, and curve detection1993/07/01224
Complex-valued multistate neural associative memory1996/01/01223
Supervised neural networks for the classification of structures1997/05/01222
Artificial neural networks for feature extraction and multivariate data projection1995/03/01222
Neurocontrol of nonlinear dynamical systems with Kalman filter trained recurrent networks1994/03/01221
New results on recurrent network training: unifying the algorithms and accelerating convergence2000/05/01216
Radial basis function neural network for approximation and estimation of nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems1994/07/01216
Successive overrelaxation for support vector machines1999/01/01208
Neural network for quadratic optimization with bound constraints1993/03/01205
Comparative study of stock trend prediction using time delay, recurrent and probabilistic neural networks1998/01/01203
Conditional fuzzy clustering in the design of radial basis function neural networks1998/07/01203
Performance evaluation of a sequential minimal radial basis function (RBF) neural network learning algorithm1998/03/01197
Approximation capability to functions of several variables, nonlinear functionals, and operators by radial basis function neural networks1995/07/01193
Robust stability for interval Hopfield neural networks with time delay1998/01/01189